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At least, Kita was expecting the true fight to begin. This is everything that Evander has been building up to for god knows how long, and honestly, so has Alexis. Evander did kill his father right in front of him—when he was a child, no less. That's probably one of the best reasons there is to hate someone.

So, Alexis has likely been waiting for this too. Hell, it's entirely possible he's been training for it his entire life. Kita always wondered why Alexis has held himself to such a high standard, assuming maybe it had to do with his mother and the status of his family. Not wanting to disappoint them may have been part of it, for all Kita knows, but it's entirely possible that his drive changed to revenge after Evander's actions.

Anyway, Kita was fully expecting a two-manned war. Or maybe that makes it a battle. Or duel. Whatever. There's just been so much buildup, it's hard to imagine anything else. However, he's shocked when Evander is immediately turning around and disappearing through an exit Kita didn't see before. It's obviously bait for Alexis to follow him, and Alexis does just that.

It would be more in character for Alexis to check on Kita first, at least for a split second. Instead, Alexis is right behind Evander. It takes a moment for Kita to realize why. The guy most likely didn't see him. Kita is lying in darkness, off to the side, after all.

Kita is now alone with an unconscious Lyra, blood leaking from his injured eye.

Kita tries to push himself up so he's sitting, but only really has the strength to lean on an elbow, still basically lying on the ground. He blinks, trying to get his vision back to normal. At first he doesn't think it's doing anything, beginning to wonder if his eye is just out of commission for good. However, pretty soon, a small amount of light starts to peek in. Well, that's a good sign.

Kita stays in that position for a while, trying to get his strength back enough to go after them. Eventually he's able to properly sit, and lean against one of the blood racks. From there he can start to get his bearings. He looks around the dark room, noticing all the blood racks he took note of earlier once again. He also sees Lyra in the same spot, unmoving.

Aside from that, Kita doesn't really know what's going on here. There are several crates, as well as more suspicious set-ups that look like previously unnoticed booby traps. Kita takes note that there are two entrances. The one he came in, and the small one Evander slipped out of. The ceiling in here is quite high, as well. Almost like it's a main area of a smaller part of the castle.

Kita sighs, rubbing his head and wondering if Evander caused any serious damage. It doesn't seem like it, since the longer he sits here the more he heals. His head pain starts to dissipate and he can almost make out some full objects in his injured eye. He decides that this is enough.

Kita grabs a rack and uses it to help himself up to a standing position. He gives one fleeting look at Lyra, but decides to come back for her later. They need to get rid of Evander first. Once Kita's got his balance back and is fully functional, he heads for the exit Evander and Alexis disappeared through.

When he enters the corridor, he isn't surprised when he finds nothing. Just an empty hallway, though he does spot some blood on the wall. He feels alarm curl in his gut when he takes note that it's not the dark vampire blood he's been seeing everywhere. Nope, this blood is a much brighter red. It matches the bags in the room he was just in. Human blood.


Shit, Kita fucking knew it. As soon as he saw Evander again, so hungry for power that he was destroying himself over it. His body is practically falling apart with him living in it. The only way that his looks could change so drastically would be if there was a consequential power shift as well. They were really in over their heads with this one, and Kita partially blames himself.

WHAT AILS YOU [VAMPIRE] [MXM] ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon