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When Kita wakes up, his entire body is in pain

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When Kita wakes up, his entire body is in pain.

That's the last thing on his mind, though, because it's not even a full second after that thought, that his memories come back to him as well. He doesn't get a single moment of blissful ignorance. Doesn't get any time to just lie there and slowly come back to himself. Nope, he's assaulted by the memories immediately.

Kita groans, reaching up to rub his head since there's a dull, annoying throbbing there. He briefly contemplates how the fuck he's still alive, but ultimately decided that he doesn't even know that for sure. For all he knows, he died and went to heaven. Actually, do people feel pain in heaven?

Wait, no. He's a vampire. He's definitely in hell.


Kita jumps at the female voice, slowly turning his head and trying to get his eyesight to adjust to the light in the room. It doesn't take him long to find his mother seated next to him, a smile on her face, and he instantly forgets about all the pain he's in.

That's right! He's back in Amarath. He's home, finally.

Kita scrambles so he's sitting up, wanting more than anything to give his mother a hug. However, then he lays his eyes on who is next to her. Alexis, seated in a chair, fast asleep with his head resting on her shoulder.

Kita looks around the room, wondering if there's anyone else present in the medical wing. He finds Lyra a few beds over, and she's definitely breathing. Oh, thank fucking god. So far this is looking like a best case scenario, which has him half paranoid that there's a catch.

"Take it easy, honey, you're injured." Liz tells him, concern on her face. Alexis stirs a bit in his sleep, and Kita thinks the sight of him sleeping on Liz is probably one of the most heartwarming things he's seen in a while.

Wait. Heart.

Kita got staked through the heart!

"How am I still alive?" Is the first thing out of Kita's mouth, wondering if some sort of miracle happened. There is no way for a vampire to survive such an injury. He thought he was done for.

"According to to the doctor," Liz begins explaining, "turned vampire anatomy is different from born vampire anatomy. Evander forgot that, so he missed."

Kita nods slowly in understanding, realizing that Alexis must've told her everything, if she knows about Evander. Then again, when they arrived back in Amarath with Kita as badly injured as he was, she probably demanded answers immediately. She wouldn't settle for anything less than the full story, if Kita knows his mother.

"Holy shit," Kita says, wondering what he could've possibly done to deserve such a second chance. "What about Lyra?"

"She's fine. I think Alexis said she hit her head or something."

It's only a few seconds after those words leave Liz's mouth that Alexis stirs where he's sitting, moving around and eyelids fluttering until they shoot open. He jolts a bit, sitting up and looking around the room in alarm. "Kita?"

WHAT AILS YOU [VAMPIRE] [MXM] ✓Where stories live. Discover now