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Those words actually evoke some real emotion from Evander. He loses the superior, unconcerned attitude and freezes. He stares at the woman for a moment, expression beginning to morph into a mixture of stress and what looks like worry. As the situation really dawns on him, he loses any twisted pleasure he was getting from it before.

Kita's just in shock, sitting in the cell as he tries to comprehend this. Alexis is here? Alexis came for him? Kita thought the guy hated his guts now, thought their relationship was over. He was fully convinced Alexis hated him and they'd never see each other again.

Now he's here? He didn't even send someone, he came on his own, and he had to have left pretty quickly after Kita did to be here so fast. Kita arrived this morning, and now it's about 10 PM.

Anyway, after the woman breaks the news, Evander completely freezes. He appears to be trying to figure out what to do, as well as attempting to hide how much this news actually affects him. Kita can tell he's worried, however, because no matter how many resources he takes from his people to become stronger... it'll be a minute before he's a match for Alexis.

Lyra wasn't kidding when she said Alexis was the only one who could help them. Nobody else is enough, including Kita at full strength.

Kita has never even heard of a Sinclair family member daring to venture into Vanhallam before. Then again, none of them have been nearly as talented at their job as Alexis is. Also, he has a purpose. If he still cares about Kita like he always has, then he'd do anything.

Kita lost faith in that when Alexis hurt him, but maybe there actually was regret in his eyes. Maybe Kita wasn't just seeing things. Maybe, despite his species, Alexis does still love him.

Oh, Kita doesn't know. He doesn't want to get his hopes up, but he can't think of any other reason Alexis would be in Vanhallam. He also can't think of another reason the guy would bring an army, unless he sensed that Evander would put up a fight. Unless he plans on bringing Kita home.

If so, he will have to bring Lyra, however. Kita is not leaving without her. He could not in good conscience do that, especially since she could be so much help in bringing Evander down. She's supposed to rule Vanhallam, she's the rightful heir, so she knows this place inside and out.

Kita just needs to get out of here first.

If only he had absolutely any idea how to do that. He just glances around his cell, through the thick bars, trying to figure out what to do. Evander left a minute ago, looking quite stressed, and since then it's basically been dead silent. Lyra's just been slowly ceasing her crying while Kita thinks.

Kita sighs upon coming up empty, running a hand through his hair and cursing his lack of problem solving ability. Pretty soon the dungeon is silent, and he glances up upon realizing Lyra has gone quiet. He feels really bad for her, and is also quite worried about her health and emotional state. So, he speaks.

"Lyra, are you alright?" He asks, and it takes a minute for her to reply.

"Yes." She says, voice wobbly and scratchy. She sounds like she's on the verge of tears again, likely having lost hope due to Kita now being locked away as well. Sure, Alexis is here, but there's no telling what that could possibly mean. It's not like he has any idea what their situation is down here. At least, probably not. He's clearly expecting a fight, but... ugh. He just doesn't know. He doesn't want to think about it, mostly because he has no idea what to think about it.

It's as Kita is looking around the dungeon, losing more and more hope by the second, that he finally spots it.

A key. It's really far away, almost at the other end of the hallway, but he can see it easily due to how shiny it is and his excellent night vision. His eyes widen, beginning to gain hope of there actually being a way out of here.

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