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Kita actually doesn't hear from Alexis for a couple days. This doesn't ever happen, so he finds himself feeling a bit worried. Especially because he really needs to talk to the guy.

Kita can't stop thinking about the conversation he heard. The fact that Alexis has been given explicit permission to marry whoever he wants. Eve is clearly at her limit with leading, she needs somebody to take over, and Kita would be absolutely fine with helping Alexis rule Amarath.

Also, he wouldn't have to deal with Alexis marrying someone else and leaving him. It's not like Kita has many plans for his life, and he sure wasn't looking forward to working at the pub for the rest of it. This would save him from that fate. He'd get to spend the rest of his life with his best friend! It's a win-win!

As the days go by, Kita's wound doesn't heal. He's forced to just keep wrapping it in bandages, though at least it hardly bleeds anymore. He is so unbelievably hungry, and he craves something specific, but he doesn't know what. He tries to eat multiple times during this two day long period. However, every time, his body rejects it. The only thing he can keep down is water, but it ends up being pointless to drink since it only makes him feel more dehydrated.

Kita only feels worse and worse, hungrier and hungrier, unsure what to do. Is he going to die like this?

Thankfully he's distracted mostly by his thoughts, as well as Alexis disappearing off the face of the earth, so it doesn't weigh on him too much. One night, two days after the castle incident, Kita is working in his parent's pub. He's bartending, like usual, and it's actually somewhat of a slow night, which hardly ever happens. They're about ten minutes from closing—the place is near empty—when Kita hears the door chime as someone enters.

Kita looks up, as does the rest of the place. When he spots Alexis' large form entering the building, his entire face lights up. Alexis, as per usual, pays the staring no mind. He is clad in his armor, meaning he is most likely about to go on a hunt.

Alexis takes a seat at the bar, in his normal spot, all the way to the left side. It's right in front of where Kita does the dishes, and as soon as Kita sees him, he's rushing over there. Once Kita reaches him, he speaks.

"I need to talk to you."

"I need to ask you something."

They both talk at the same time, and Kita frowns. Alexis needs to talk to him? Kita was just going to come clean about his eavesdropping, and ask him how he feels about the... solution he came up with. He was also going to question Alexis on where he's been these past few days. Alexis and Kita both frown.

"What is it?" He asks, meaning Kita is going first. Whatever, Alexis might want to talk about the same thing Kita does. It's really a great idea, it solves all their fucking problems. Again, it's not like Kita was planning on doing much else with his life. He figured one day some girl would steal Alexis away and then Kita would rot in his parent's pub the rest of his life. This is way better.

"Okay, so—I'm sorry, but, uh, at the party. So, yeah—so—" Kita really should've planned this out. Alexis starts to look amused, possibly at the fact that Kita can't talk. Why is he so nervous all of a sudden? "After I left I, uh, changed my mind..."

Kita pauses after that, wondering why he didn't tell Alexis about the vampire. Whatever, they can talk about that later. It would redirect the conversation, anyway, and they need to speak about something else right now.

"So I went back inside, and I couldn't find you anywhere, so I started looking..." Kita can tell from the look on Alexis' face that he's catching on. Thankfully he doesn't look mad. Kita actually can't read his expression at all right now. It's sort of unnerving, but he powers through. "Uh, I found you upstairs, and you were talking to your mom, and I accidentally eavesdropped."

WHAT AILS YOU [VAMPIRE] [MXM] ✓Where stories live. Discover now