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Normally Kita would try to put at least a little bit of effort into his appearance, due to attending such a high profile event. He has nice clothes, though obviously he didn't buy any of them. They were all purchased for him by the royal family. Not even just Alexis, his mother also bought Kita more presentable clothes, once she realized that he would be attending almost every event with her son.

Kita tolerates them. The people that go are rich and royal, so they aren't the best company. They all fall over themselves for Alexis' approval, but they look down on Kita. Unfortunately for them, the latter ensures the former will never happen.

Despite the fact he knows he'll get looks for it, Kita puts no effort into his appearance for this dinner. Sorry, but he just does not have the energy. He's tired and fed up and generally not in the mood to be participating in this. Alexis is so lucky Kita loves him, because he's really having a rough time.

Of everything he's feeling, however, there's one that stands out above it all: hunger. Kita is absolutely starving, but he can't keep anything down. Granted, he hasn't tried again after the eggs, but that's mostly because nothing is appetizing.

Kita takes another shower and wears his normal, comfortable but slightly worn clothes. He doesn't have a way to get there initially, but his parents will be in for the night, so he gets permission to take Bermuda. Then, once it hits the evening, he's on his way. Normally Alexis would've stayed with him so they could arrive together, but for some reason his mom wanted him at the castle before the event. Kita doesn't know why, but he also doesn't really care.

He's so ready for this to be over.

After his arrival, Kita leaves Bermuda outside in the stables with the other horses. There aren't many, most people having taken carriages. They're all wearing gowns and suits and looking like they have money. Kita looks like absolute shit, and he doesn't even care. He promises Bermuda he will be back for her later, then heads towards the entrance of Sinclair Palace.

There are a lot of people walking inside, and Kita doesn't really like being around so many people at once. Again, he usually doesn't care, but something is different today. He walks through the front door and down the few hallways, where everyone else is also walking, until he finally enters the large ballroom.

Kita immediately starts scanning the crowd for Alexis, who is basically his safety blanket for these occasions. He's never been more thankful in his life that Alexis always insists Kita not leave his side, because the last thing he wants right now is to be forced to associate with these people.

Kita eventually finds Alexis, towards the corner of the room, speaking with a man who is vaguely familiar. Kita immediately makes a beeline for him, ready to follow him around the rest of the night and talk to nobody. The food at these events is usually really good, so hopefully Kita will be able to keep that down. It would make the night bearable.

Alexis notices Kita only a few seconds later, from across the room. His eyes immediately light up, and Kita reaches him soon after. Alexis is visibly happy to see him, possibly because Kita's already almost an hour late—though clearly he's not the only one. Still, Alexis might've thought Kita wouldn't show up.

Upon Kita's presence, Alexis wraps an arm around him and pulls him against his side. Kita can't help but to frown, because Alexis isn't usually so touchy with him. He's a little touchy, but not like this. He doesn't casually touch Kita for extended amounts of time, which is what this is. Kita is just tucked into his side, and Alexis goes back to his conversation. People begin to stare after a moment, and Kita feels uncomfortable.

He's not uncomfortable because of the touching. It actually doesn't bother him at all, he could stay like this for hours. All the people around are making him feel self conscious, though. He keeps his eyes on the floor, face feeling warm for some reason.

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