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Cordelia is in worse condition than Kita originally thought.

It appears as though Kita's rescue was later in the attack than intended. He heard them hitting her with a shovel, but that must've been when she was trying to get away. They had caught her beforehand, something made apparent when Kita catches sight of her foot. Or, well, lack thereof.

The metal, V-carved band that was wrapped around her leg is gone. It appears as though the boys ripped it off, and in doing so, took the lower part of her leg and foot with it. She's laying flat on the pavement, in too much pain to even try and get away, and the sight is heartbreaking. Kita isn't that emotional, but it doesn't matter. He's already tearing up.

Kita's hands are dirty. He washed them before he left, but he's been handling a lot of chemicals and cleaning supplies today. He doesn't want to risk infecting or poisoning anything, which is why he stole the pillowcase in the first place.

Kita lays the cloth out on the pavement, before carefully scooping Cordelia up in his hands. She's unconscious, which doesn't make him feel better at all. He makes sure to keep his skin away from any wounds, then moves her onto the pillowcase.

After Kita has her on the pillowcase, he takes note that her leg is unsurprisingly still bleeding. Kita is careful when he scoops her up, swaddling her a bit before tucking her against his chest.

Holding a bird like this is so strange. It's probably like that for most animals that people don't really touch, though. Kita can't imagine holding a squid or something, that would also be crazy. Either way, it's weird to see a bird laying down instead of flying.

Kita resumes his trek back to the castle, the dark streets of Amarath that used to scare him no longer nearly as daunting. He's able to relax as he makes the trip, and eventually does reach the castle—his home, he reminds himself. He lives there now.

It's going on midnight, Kita was at his mother's for awhile, so he's hoping that nobody will be awake. That he can just exchange pleasantries with the guards and quietly tuck himself in his room for the night. No questions, no struggle. No obstacles, just going back to the safety of his bedroom and hoping Cordelia makes it through the night.

Unfortunately, most of these wishes are not granted.

"Where were you?"

Kita freezes at the voice from behind him, having just entered the castle. He was in the process of exiting the throne room, about to turn down the hallway that leads to the stairs, where the royal bedrooms are. Kita was beginning to grow optimistic at the lack of confrontation so far. He should've known better.

Kita slowly turns around and finds Alexis on the throne, leaned back with something in his hands. The castle is mostly dark, dimly illuminated by a few candles that have yet to be put out. Alexis is cast in darkness, the light behind him only giving Kita the faint view of a silhouette. He knows it's Alexis, though. For one, he'd recognize that guy anywhere. However, he also just sees better in the dark now.

It's weird not being able to see Alexis' expression, though. He also looks strangely... ominous. Waiting up for Kita in the middle of the night, Alexis doesn't usually act like that. Obviously he's always cared about Kita, and vice versa, but not to the extent of waiting in the dark for him like a disappointed parent.

"Um," Kita says, realizing that he actually wasn't even doing anything wrong or suspicious this time. He didn't sneak out or anything, he's been in the same building all day. "I was with my mom."

Alexis stands up, and this casts him in a bit of light. Kita takes note that his expression is impassive, Kita's valid reason not appearing to have done much. Alexis takes slow steps towards Kita, descending the stairs at a pace that makes him nervous. As Alexis draws nearer, he speaks.

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