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As promised, the very next day, people come to Kita's house and begin moving his things—with his help, of course. His father is busy down at the pub, but his mother is there to assist as well. She's very emotional the entire time, and makes him promise to spend one more night at the house, clearly not ready to say bye to him just yet.

So, he keeps enough of his things for just the night, and plans to head to the castle first thing in the morning. From there, he's expected to help plan the wedding, among other miscellaneous things.

It's all planned out, and Kita has no problem with any of it, he wanted this, it was his idea in the first place. There's just one problem.

He's hungry.

The blood that Evander gave Kita sated him for about a day, which was amazing, since he'd gone so long feeling hungry all the time. However, it's coming back now, and he moves into the castle tomorrow. He does not see himself able to get out of there any time soon. He will have so much going on, he won't be able to leave for awhile.

That said, Kita needs to figure something out today.

Luckily, he actually has an idea. He remembers the last thing Evander said to him, before disappearing. When you need me again, go back to the market.

Kita didn't think he'd ever need that man, but he stands corrected now. He has no idea how to get blood—he doesn't want to kill anything. He also just doesn't know the limitations, or which blood types have what effect. He's going to assume human blood is better, but again, he is not killing someone.

Kita needs help. So, after the sun goes down, he heads to the market. He's not taking Bermuda this time—doesn't want to risk any questioning from his parents. That's why he walks, and it's not exactly a short one. Once he reaches the market, it's going on midnight, and something occurs to him.

How is Evander even going to know he's here? It's not like they set a date and time or anything.

The place appears to be a ghost town, only a few stalls out, and the ones that are, are completely vacant. Kita just stands in the middle of it, looking around, and at first he thinks the place is empty. However, when he closes his eyes, his senses feel almost heightened. He realizes he's not alone. No, there's someone diagonal from him, to the left. Hidden around the corner of a building.

"Evander?!" Kita calls out, thankful that the market grounds are large and nobody lives close by. He wouldn't want to risk waking anyone up, this would be a hard sight to explain.

As expected, the person he can sense around the corner comes out. He immediately recognizes the person as being Evander, but he has a girl with him this time. She's tall, almost the same size as him, and the two of them look really similar. Kita wonders if they're related somehow.

"Nikita," He greets Kita the exact same way he does every time. Kita can't help the slight irritation he feels, almost positive the guy is doing this on purpose at this point.

Through grit teeth, the man drawing closer, Kita replies, "it's just Kita."

"Alright," He says, like he's never been told that before. "Your abilities are kicking in."

He's probably just talking about the fact that Kita could sense him, while a human could not. Kita can even sense their species. Both of them are vampires. Kita shrugs as his only response, and the two move on.

"I need to know why I was bitten. This is not going to end any fucking wars," Kita cuts right to the chase, the stress of the entire situation eating away at him. He needs answers, he needs to know why on earth these people would ruin his life like this. There's no way it was only revenge, and Kita is sure Evander was in on it.

WHAT AILS YOU [VAMPIRE] [MXM] ✓Where stories live. Discover now