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Kita notifies Alexis that they need to go to the stables, which works out since that's where they were headed next anyway

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Kita notifies Alexis that they need to go to the stables, which works out since that's where they were headed next anyway. They can't leave without Bermuda, after all.

Kita has no idea where Evander went, but he assumes the guy will probably be able to figure out their next move easily. This is why he's happy when they hurry to the stables, just he and Alexis in the carriage, as well as a couple of soldiers. They're all speaking with Alexis about professional matters, but Kita is shaking in anticipation. He stands by the entrance, peeking around the cloth and feeling nervous at the amount of people watching them.

When they eventually arrive at the stables, Kita releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He just wants to get this over with, really wants to get out of Vanhallam and back to Amarath so they can figure out where to go from here.

Kita hops out of the wagon with no hesitation, before walking into the stables and going directly to Bermuda. She seems happy to see him, and he gives her brief hug, but he's on a mission. He's feeling around the floor for the trapdoor as several Amarath guards begin escorting her out. He does finally find it, but is irritated when he realizes it's either locked or stuck.

He thought he was alone, thought Alexis was busy speaking with the guards and situating Bermuda. He probably should've known Alexis wouldn't leave his side so soon after reuniting, however. He jumps when he hears the man speak from behind himself. "What are you doing?"

Kita glances back to find Alexis there, looking confused. He might not see the trapdoor, since Kita is currently on top of it and it's also covered in hay. Kita sits on his heels next to it and points.

"She's down there."

Alexis walks closer, boots heavy on the wooden floor and making the sound to go with it. Eventually he reaches right next to Kita, and leans down on one knee. He rests an elbow on his knee for support, and tries the trapdoor with his other. He also frowns when it won't open.

"Is she underneath the door?" Alexis asks him. Kita shakes his head.

"No, this just goes to a ladder." He tells Alexis, who nods, eyes unmoving from the trapdoor. He pushes himself up so he's standing, and lines up one of his boots with the door. Kita continues, "which goes into this weird room, and there's water, and then there's the dungeon— oh, that works."

As Kita is speaking, Alexis drives the heel of his boot into the wood. He breaks it into several pieces in one try, and then they're met with the sight of the ladder. There are a lot of jagged edges, but Kita doesn't care. He distractedly sticks his arm through the sizable hole and undoes the latch, before opening the door from the inside.

Kita tries not to find Alexis' brute strength hot, because now is not the time. He's so used to the guy always being gentle, hardly ever seeing the violent hunter side of him. Despite how big Alexis is, it's easy to forget his power when Kita hardly sees him use it.

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