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I'm ending the war

That's what the man said to him. Those are the last words he spoke to Kita, right after the bite, before Alexis beheaded him.

Kita remembers being confused. He didn't understand how in the world biting him would end the war. Contracting vampirism never crossed his mind, especially since it's so rare. He doesn't remember the exact numbers, but it's something in the arena of a 10% success rate. Of course, the deeper they bite you, the more at risk you are, and that bite was so deep Kita's sure it touched bone.

Maybe he should've seen this coming. Alexis has always had such a crazy life, it shouldn't surprise Kita that it ended up affecting his own. Hell, Kita is about to fucking marry the guy. That's going to change his life a lot.

It was only a matter of time. Of course the vampires would fight back one day, and the best way to do that would be to go after someone Alexis cares about. Alexis himself is practically untouchable, as is his family, far too good at what they do, so... it makes sense.

Kita doesn't know what to do.

When he wakes up the next morning, he doesn't get a second of ignorant bliss. No, he remembers everything immediately. There is no lapse of memory due to his grogginess. He is immediately hit with a wave of stress and despair and fear. The shards of glass digging into his skin only serve as a physical reminder, and he just wants to be unconscious again. He wants a break.

Kita sits up, risking a glance down at himself. He's covered in dried blood. Some of it is his own, again, because of the glass. Vampire blood isn't quite black, but it is darker than regular blood. It's distinct from the blood leftover in the jar, which is still on his face. Either way, the smell of blood is getting the same reaction it did last night, though not as intense.

It makes him hungry, but not carnally, like last night. If faced with another jar of blood, he could resist. Last night? Not a chance.

Kita grabs the edge of his sink counter, and pulls himself up so he's standing. He looks the same as he did last night, though the red in his eye is less obvious. His fangs are ever present, however, and he can't look much longer than about five seconds before he has to turn away, and he's tearing up again.

This is bad.

This is really, really fucking bad.

Kita showers and does his best to clean up the mess, slicing himself on glass several times. His mind is running a mile a minute through it all, and he's having a difficult time breathing. All he can think about is the fact that Alexis will hate him.

Not only that, Alexis will kill him.

When Kita exits the shower, he can almost pretend things are normal. His eyes are back to their rusty brown color, and his teeth are no longer fanged and sharp and scary. He looks human.

That doesn't mean he is, though, and he knows better than to lie to himself about this. Last night was not some sort of crazy vivid hallucination. No, Kita is a vampire. The man a week ago turned him, and now the only thing left to do is research what he's dealing with, figure out how to manage it, then never tell a soul.

The concept of keeping things from Alexis doesn't sit right with Kita, but he doesn't see many other options. It's either that, be cast out, or killed. He's not sure how long he will be able to keep this up, since surely Alexis will notice there's something wrong eventually. Especially since they're about to be married. They're about to fucking live together.

Kita can't think of worse timing. Of course this would happen after he's already engaged to Alexis. He couldn't realize this before he made such a commitment—he'd have never agreed to marry his best friend if he knew he was a fucking vampire, Amarath be damned.

WHAT AILS YOU [VAMPIRE] [MXM] ✓Where stories live. Discover now