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"Kita? Are you alright?"

Kita pulls his arm out of Alexis' grasp, which only earns him a look of confusion. He won't make eye contact, all he wants is to leave, and then the Idrua girl is standing next to Alexis. She takes hold of Alexis' arm, and Kita can't help his wince.

Why is he so upset? Sure, he's felt horrible all day, but there's something more to it right now. He's never experienced anything remotely similar.

"I'm fine," Kita replies. Alexis was having fun, who would Kita be to impose on that, anyway? Eve said that Alexis wanted to dance with her. To the point where he was nervous to ask. That's... that's unheard of.

"C'mon, I think they're about to play another song," the princess says, tugging on Alexis' arm. He doesn't even acknowledge her.

"Why are you leaving?"

Kita purses his lips, looking at the floor and running a hand through his hair. He doesn't know how to answer that. There is a reason in particular why he's been so miserable all night, though. "I don't feel well."

Alexis seems really concerned. The girl is starting to look confused, and a little impatient. Alexis doesn't appear to notice. That, or he doesn't care. Kita can't look away from their contact, where she's hanging off his arm. He needs to get out of here.

"What's wrong?" Alexis asks, worried. Right then, another song begins playing and the lights get dimmer. The girl begins tugging on Alexis' arm again, but he still doesn't pay her any mind. The music is loud, and Kita's head is starting to hurt, and his hunger is getting to him—

"It's nothing." Kita reassures him. "I just need to get home."

"Okay, then go home already." The princess snaps at Kita, the first time she's acknowledged him during this short conversation, looking fed up with Alexis' attention being on someone else. Kita blinks at her, not used to people being so rude to him, especially when Alexis is around. They used to be, back when Kita first started going to these events. Alexis made it clear that it wouldn't be tolerated pretty quickly, though.

She's looking at Kita like most royal people would, if given the chance. Like he's scum. Less than them, a peasant.

Alexis slowly turns his head to look at her, expression beginning to morph into one much less kind. Kita watches his best friend shake the girl off his arm none too gently, and he doesn't want to deal with this. He decides to take the girl's advice, and turns around. He then goes back to hurrying out of the establishment.

Thankfully Alexis doesn't chase him this time, Kita hurrying down the castle stairs until reaching the bottom sidewalk, turning and practically running to the stables. He feels his eyes getting a bit watery, though it's not from being sick this time, and he has no idea why. Why on earth is he so upset?

Kita doesn't know, the only thing he's sure of right now is that he wants to be home. He wants to be in his room and in bed, more than absolutely anything. Unfortunately, there's a bit of a damper put on that when he finally does reach the stables.

There's a dark figure leaned against the building, glowing white eyes trained solely on Kita. He freezes in his tracks, because to get to Bermuda he'd have to go past this person. He starts to feel nervous, getting this sinking feeling at the tall, intimidating person.

Once Kita notices him, the guy steps out from his spot and into the light. Kita recognizes him immediately as the man that was there that day he had to get potatoes for the pub. When Kita ran out of money, the guy paid the difference.

Kita cannot remember his name for the life of him, though. He just watches the guy take a stance in front of the stable entrance, before greeting, "Nikita."

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