Chapter 25: Shut Up and Kiss Me

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Julio's P.O.V

Miguel and I were both sitting on my bed going over our English assignments together while we waited for our food. We didn't have the same English professors but I got the feeling they knew each other because our work was the exact same. There was a knock on my door and when I looked up I saw that Ethan was standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Did you guys order food?" he questioned holding up the bag of Chick-fil-A.

"Yeah," I replied, getting out of my bed.

He held the bag out in front of him and when I got to him I took the bag from his hand. "You didn't eat our food did you?" I asked, peeking my eye through the small hole of the bag.

Ethan chuckled and then shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants. "I don't like Chick-fil-A," he responded. "So if something is missing you might want to locate your Postmates delivery guy."

I lowered the bag to my side and then looked at him up and down. "Where are you going?" I asked.

I still don't know why I always asked where Ethan was going like it was any of my business but in all honesty, I couldn't stop thinking about his overdose and I had to know he was okay.

"To a party that one of the seniors are throwing," Ethan replied, pulling out his phone most likely to check the time. "And I'm about to be late so if you don't-"

"Pick up my call, okay?"

"This again?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Julio you don't have to-"

"If I call... pick up."

His eyebrow dropped when he realized that I wasn't playing around anymore then he rolled his eyes and let out a groan. "I'll do my best."

Good enough for me. "Okay. Now get out my face."

We both chuckled, then he walked away from my room and once he was out of the dorm I turned on my heel, ready to go back to my bed and sit down but nearly had a heart attack when I saw Miguel's eyes staring at me.

"¿Qué estás mirando? (What are you looking at?)" I asked Miguel, making my way to sit at my desk this time so I could check our food.

"Does he know?" Miguel asked, swinging his feet off the bed.

"Does he know what? Your obsession with Chick-fil-A?" I joked, tossing Miguel his sandwich.

"No tonto (No dumbass). Does Ethan know that you like him?"

I stopped looking through the bag to put my full attention on my best friend who was now laying on his side, still on my bed. "Why does it matter?" I asked.

Miguel shrugged his shoulders and then took a bite from his sandwich. "It doesn't," he said with a mouthful. "But you were obvious."

"I'm not obvious," I said, then pulled out the chair that sat at my desk so I could start eating too.

"Yes, you are, Julio. Gloria would agree with me."

"I told you this already Miguel, Ethan and I constantly flirt with each other. So even if he thinks that I like him." I shrugged then took a bite from one of my fries. "He probably just thinks that I'm still flirting with him."

"Are you?"

I dropped my eyes to the fries that I was playing with because I didn't know anymore whether we were still flirting with each other. I couldn't stop thinking about the other night when Ethan needed to take pictures of me for his photography class. It was playing over and over again on repeat in my mind. The way I could feel his touch through my briefs and his warm breath on my neck made me start to tense up again.

A Kiss Is Just A Kiss {bxb}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang