Chapter 11: Confidence

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Julio's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day shocked to see that I was lying beside Ethan on the couch. As I started to wake up more, I felt his arm around my waist and his leg on mine. Both our shirts were off and that was all I needed to jump up from the couch.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes then sat up on the couch. His feet hit the floor while he mumbled something under his breath. I didn't bother to question him about what happened last night because I didn't want to hear him make something up to freak me out. But as I made my way to go to my room, he said my name.

"Ethan, I don't want to talk about it," I spoke quickly before he could.

"Nothing happened last night dude," he spoke, squinting at me.

"Why should I believe you?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Because," he spoke, now standing up from the couch. "If something did happen, we would've ended up on my bed."

He grinned and I felt myself freeze. I watched as he stood shirtless, looking just as tired I was but his focus never left me. He let out a chuckle then stepped around me mumbling something under his breath that I was too tired to figure out.


"What's going on Lio," Miguel spoke on the FaceTime call.

I shook my head. "Just wanted to check up on you," I replied.

I laid on my bed in my room listening to Miguel rant about his vacation. It's already been a month since we've seen each other. Miguel has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We did everything together and just to think about him not being here right now felt off. Which is when I finally asked him when he was going to come to Swanson.

"No estoy seguro (I'm not sure)," he replied, then took a bite from what looked like a blueberry muffin. "My mom," he spoke with a mouthful, but he swallowed it before speaking again. "My mom told me that I'll go next semester."

"Next semester!?" I exclaimed with wide eyes, and he nodded. "What could you guys possibly be doing for the next two months?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. It's her plan."

I sighed and looked over at my desk where the picture frame of me, Miguel, and Gloria when we went to Disneyland with Miguel's stepdad.

"Lio," I heard Miguel speak again which caused me to look at him. "Actúas como si no te gustara tu compañero de cuarto. (You act like you don't like your roommate)."

"Me gusta, pero apenas está por aquí (I do like him but he's barely around)," I replied. "And you and I made a promise that we would be roommates when we got to college."

"And we can be," Miguel spoke with a mouthful of his muffin again. "Next semester."

I sighed again.

"Hey," a male spoke, and I looked up and saw Ethan standing in the doorway of my room.

"What do you want?'' I said with a slight attitude. "Can't you see I'm on the phone?"

He smirked. "Yes, I can," he spoke in a whisper that was still loud enough for me to hear. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to hop in the shower."

I shooed him off and watched as he walked away chuckling to himself.

"Everything alright, Lio," Miguel asked, realizing that I had stopped listening to him.

"Yeah," I replied.

"You sure?"

"I'll call you back actually."

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