Chapter 2: Ethan

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Julio's P.O.V.

I walked back into the dorm room after my mom had left and saw that my roommate was still sitting on the couch, scrolling through Instagram. I closed the door behind me and grabbed my bags, walking past him to get to my room.

"Your mom is cute," he said, which stopped me from walking to turn to look at him.

"I'm sorry," I spoke in confusion, making sure I heard that right.

"Oh, shit my bad," he spoke, turning off his phone and leaning forward. "Tu mamá (Your mom)." He paused. "Ella es linda (She's cute)."

"I know English too dumbass," I snapped.

He threw his hands up in defense. "My bad, Chico (boy)," he said with a smirk then got back on his phone again.

"I'm Ethan by the way," he spoke again once I turned on my heel to look away from him.

"I didn't ask," I spoke, walking down the hall.

"Just thought you should know, Lio."

I turned back around to go back down the hallway to look at him and lock eyes.

"That's what your mom said," Ethan spoke. "You know before you two went out to talk in the hall."

"So, you're stalking my conversation with my mom?" I asked with slight suspicion.

"Not really stalking when you two talk right by me," he said which was true, but I didn't give him that boost.

"Well, it's Julio to you," I informed him. "Only my friends call me Lio."

The same smirk appeared on his face. "Julio," he repeated with a question. "That's the most Hispanic name I heard."

"Ethan," I spoke in the same tone as him. "That's the whitest name I heard."

He chuckled. "That's cute," I heard him say under his breath.

I turned away once again, not bringing it up as I headed to my room. I heard footsteps approach behind me as I slung my duffle bag on my bed.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're a first year?" I heard Ethan speak.

I turned to face him. "Does that bother you?"

He shook his head and then crossed his arms. "No," he spoke in a sly tone. "It doesn't."

I nodded. "And what year are you?"


I nodded again.

"Does that impress you?"

I couldn't help but laugh at that sentence. "You wish."

"I wish a lot of things," he said.

"Yeah, and I wish that you'd put on a shirt," I said, walking closer to him.

"No, you don't," he whispered in a low tone that sent chills down my body.

I got a hold of the door and closed it in his face not wanting to look at him anymore.

"You know you want me," I heard him call out on the other side of the door.

"¡callarse la boca! (Shut up!)"

I sat on my bed in my dorm room trying to study but the sound of Ethan playing his music at max volume made me lose focus every time. It's only day one and he's making a terrible impression on me right now. Noise complaints can't be too far. Only I was wrong. Time went on and it was already 10 at night and his music was still blazing through his speaker.

I finally had enough of it, so I slammed my textbook shut, stormed out of my bedroom, and knocked on his door to his bedroom. I waited for a few minutes and finally, I heard him yell "Alexa pause" before opening the door.

He looked me up and down with a smirk. "Yes," he spoke.

"Your music is very loud, and I can't hear myself think," I informed him.

He leaned against the frame of the doorway with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "What are you trying to think about?" he asked as if he cared.

I already knew he didn't want the real answer, so I shook my head. "It's none of your business."

"So, it's not important then."

He pushed off the frame of the doorway and as he was about to close his door I spoke again, saying something that definitely got his attention.

"What did you say," he asked, not liking my comment.

"Your music taste," I started. "It's awful."

He chuckled with amusement at my remark, and I watched as he stretched his arm out, placing the palm of his hand on the frame with his other hand on his hip.

"Like your music taste is any better," he remarked.

I shrugged. "All my friends say it is," I replied.

"All your friends?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, and I nodded. "Now when you say all how much are you talking."

I opened my mouth to speak but he quickly cut me off. "Because I don't think I've seen you with anyone around campus."

"That's strange because I haven't seen you at all around campus," I snapped back. "So, who's the stalker around here? Because it's not me."

I noticed that he bit his lip and then stuffed his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants while turning on his heel and closing his door in my face.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, feeling happy that I won that argument. I made my way back to my room, closing my door then plopped back down on my bed.

After brushing my teeth and cleaning off my bed from all my textbooks I laid down, scrolling through my Instagram feeds. At least three photos of Miguel and his family on their trip popped up back-to-back and way too many to count from Gloria popped up right after. I sighed then turned on my side still carelessly scrolling through while liking every other post.

As soon as I was about to turn off my phone, I got a notification from Instagram. I opened it and realized that it was a new follower. I went to their page and chuckled after realizing that it was Ethan.

"Stalker," I yelled out to him.

I heard him laugh and I laughed too. I found myself scrolling through his two hundred-post Instagram page shortly after. Most of his photos were of him but just about the whole page was of very focused and thought-out photography photos.

There was one of a monarch butterfly that sat gently on an Asclepias Incarnata flower that was fully bloomed. There was another one of a dog running through the sprinklers of what looked like an early afternoon.

"Wow," I whispered to myself in utter shock. "I didn't think he was capable of such beauty."

I continued scrolling through his page but when I finally got tired I charged my phone and went to sleep.


Coming up in the next chapter - Chapter 3: His Friends

"And there's another but he never wants to hang out with us on campus. But you'll see him at the party tonight," Joshua added while he sat on the used-to-be empty bench and shortly I sat beside him. "You are going to the party right," he asked. "Or do you have to study?"

"Yeah of course I'm going to the party," I replied. "Studying can wait."

* * *

A/n: Thoughts anyone?? I'll start: Ethan is bold. 😅 Sadly this chapter was shorter than I wanted it to be and I apologize for that. But with it being the second chapter what are we thinking so far? Leave a comment and I will see you all next Thursday.


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