Chapter 15: One Time Thing

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Julio's P.O.V.

Gloria and I sat on the bench which was connected to a table on the lawn at the campus after we both finished our classes for the day. The conversation started about classes which soon transitioned to the party eventually leading to her asking me about Maxx.

"So, when did it happen?" Gloria asked, propping her elbows up on the table.

I chuckled. "My second month of being here," I said.

"Second month?" she exclaimed. "Wow she must really like you."

"I think she does but I also really like her."

"Who liked who first?"

"Take a guess," I said, then took a sip from my water bottle.

"Wild guess but I'm going to say her."

"You are correct," I said after I swallowed the water in my mouth. "It all really sunk in when I kissed her in a game of spin the bottle."

"Bummer, I wish I was there for that," Gloria said with a frown.

"Well, there seems to be a party everyday so who knows." I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe you could be dragged into one and kiss Avery."

I could tell that Gloria was blushing when she hid her face behind her hands. "¡Dios mío! (My God!)," she said under breath, and I let out a laugh.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened between you two at the party last night or what?" I asked, wanting to know what my best friend got herself into.

"No, no, no," Gloria said quickly, shaking her head. "It was a one-time thing, and we were a little drunk so there probably won't be a next time."

"But you kissed her before we left," I added.

"To say good-bye," Gloria said matter-of-factly.

"Suree," I said, not buying it.

"But speaking about last night, are we just going to ignore the scene that you caused with Miguel and that one guy?" Gloria brought up and I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes.

Seeing Ethan and Miguel kissing on Ethan's car was the worst thing I saw, taking back walking in on Ethan and that mysterious guy in our dorm. I didn't want to talk about it so really, I just shrugged it off. "I'm over it," was what I told Gloria.

"I mean come on Julio you have to admit you were being a little dramatic," Gloria said but she doesn't know how much I care about Miguel.

"Okay maybe you're right," I said but paused when Gloria said, "I know I'm right." Then I continued, "But I just don't want Miguel and Ethan hooking up. He's my roommate for crying out loud!" I leaned closer to her to speak in a whisper, "I don't want to hear Miguel actually enjoying his time with Ethan."

Gloria let out a laugh. "Oh my God why would you even think that far!?"

"Because I know Ethan and I know that he doesn't care about what I have to say," I stated.

"Whatever. Look Miguel is smarter than you think so just like me and Avery he and Ethan are just a one-time thing."

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The last three days I haven't been back to my dorm room, so I spent those nights with Maxx at her condo. But when I was back on the campus, I avoided all eye contact with Ethan even though I could feel him staring at me. With Miguel it was a different story because no matter what happened he is my best friend, and I just couldn't stay mad at him. But I still wanted answers about why the end of the night went the way that it did.

Then finally I was able to get him alone on the front yard after his English course. We walked around the campus in silence for a while but before the silence could build up even more, Miguel spoke.

"I don't want you to hate me, Lio," he said, looking over at me.

"I don't hate you, Miguel," I stated, looking at him. "I just couldn't stand the fact of you letting him kiss you in that state."

"He didn't kiss me. I kissed him."

"I don't understand, Miguel," I said with confusion written all over his face.

"What don't you understand?" Miguel asked. "I'll say it again; I. Kissed. Him. I was attracted to Ethan and." He paused to shrug his shoulders. "I don't know. I kind of liked it."

"So does that mean that you're..."

Miguel shrugged again. "I don't know. But I do know that I did have a couple drinks."

I couldn't help but let out a small snicker, looking away then back at Miguel. "I feel like a dick," I said with a smirk.

Miguel chuckled now and nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, you should," he said. "You turned into my mom for a second."

Now the two of us both laughed and when we stopped, I decided to give Miguel a quick head up. "Just don't expect anything serious with him," I said reassuringly. "He doesn't do relationships. Anymore."

"Noted," Miguel said. "But I wasn't expecting there to be another run in with him."

Finally, I decided to go back to Ethan and my dorm room after my talk with Miguel. When I got there, I saw Ethan's door to his bedroom was open which meant that he was here. I hesitated at first then took a breath and made my way to his room. When I got there, I stood in his doorway then knocked twice getting his attention.

"Finally decided to come back home," he said with a smirk.

"Stay away from Miguel," I said, ignoring his joke.

"Why?" Ethan asked, standing up from his bed. "Because he actually had the balls to kiss me last night?"

"Just stay away from him," I spoke more harshly now. "I'm not going to say it again."

We stood close now, our bodies nearly touching as we stared into each other's eyes. Ethan let out a breath and slowly he shook his head.

"You can't tell me what to do," he said. "And besides." And once again there was that same smirk on his face. "He kissed me."

"I don't care who kissed who," I said. "What I care about is that it never happens again. He doesn't need someone like you in his life."

I could see that Ethan didn't like my comments, but I didn't really care at the moment. Miguel was my best friend, and I didn't want him to fall for someone like Ethan. Not that there was anything wrong with him but just the fact that he was very flirty from the time that we have been roommates.

"Fine," Ethan finally said, then closed the door in my face.

I let out all the air I didn't realize that I was holding in then made my way to my bedroom, closing my door. I leaned my back against the door trying to process everything that has already happened in my college life.

In a way I was hoping that Ethan and I would have already gotten along but the fact that we haven't was really starting to ruin my college experience. That's when I thought of Miguel and remembered that he was rooming with some random guy that he just knew he wasn't going to get along with. Maybe this was my chance for us to reunite and start that college dream we've been talking about since grade school.


Coming up in the next chapter - Chapter 17: Tell Me You Don't Love Me

"You don't love the way we tease each other?" I paused to watch his expression change from bold to nervous. "You don't love the way I suck on your ear," I whispered, then gently bit his ear.

"You don't love the way I touch you," I went on, slowly grazing my hand down Julio's arm.

My hand connected to the button on Julio's jeans and since I was having fun teasing him I decided to unbutton his pants.

"Tell me you don't love me now," I whispered.

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A/n: New chapter next Thursday.


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