Chapter 24: His Confession

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Julio's P.O.V.

I was left speechless, standing on the front porch while I watched Gloria drive away without giving me an explanation. I wanted to know what was wrong but I was never the one to force someone to talk to me about their problems. So for the time being I just left it alone and hoped that she would talk to me tomorrow.

I went back inside the house pretty easily because the crowd wasn't as big as before. Then I realized that almost everyone moved outside to the backyard, turning this indoor party into a pool party. I made my way to the kitchen so I could get another drink but stopped in my tracks when I saw Miguel leaning against the counter getting lost in whatever was in his cup.

"Miguel?" I said more so in a question because I was surprised to see him here. "What are you-"

"Is Gloria okay?" he asked, not making eye contact with me.


"I saw her storm down the stairs then rush out the house." Now he set his cup so his eyes could meet mine.

"I... I don't know," I said, shaking my head. "She rushed out before I could get an answer from her."

"Why is this happening, Julio," Miguel finally asked and I could tell that he sounded sad. "This." He swung his arms around to motion in the area. "Us." Now he directed his finger at himself then me. "This isn't how our college was supposed to go. Arguing with each other constantly, going to parties together but alone." He shrugged and I was left speechless trying to find something to say.

"I... I wish I knew, Miguel," I finally said which wasn't much but it was something.

"Do you even care?"

"Of course I care."

"So then why didnt move in with me? Like you promised you would."

"That's why you're upset with me?" I asked, taking a step closer to him. "Because I changed my mind about moving in with you?"

"That's all this has ever been about, Julio. You've been keeping secrets from me and treating me like I'm another face in the room." His tone was growing louder and I was thankful that half the party was outside otherwise this would be a whole scene. "¡No soy una cara más en la sala, Julio! (I'm not another face in the room, Julio!) I'm your best friend!"

¡Conozco a Miguel! (I know Miguel!)" Now my voice was starting to raise not in anger but because I was annoyed that he didnt understand me. Which I know was my fault.

"So what's really going on then Julio?" his tone was finally gentle again probably from the hurt that he was feeling.

Was I really about to tell him that he was right this whole time about how I felt with Ethan? I opened my mouth ready to speak but he beat me to it.

"It's about Ethan, right?" he asked like he read my mind. "He's the reason you don't want to move in with me. He's the reason why you freaked out so much when you saw us kissing."

This was all starting to sound like deja vu but he needed an answer and so did I. I nodded then leaned against the counter behind me. "That first night I saw you two kissing, it wasn't because I had feelings for Ethan. I've known him before you got here and I knew who he was and the kind of games he played." I let out a sigh before carrying on with more clear detail. "Ethan likes to flirt. Since day one when I moved in we were flirting back and forth. But I know you Miguel and I know that you just want someone to love you and care for you. I didn't want you to be upset with Ethan when he told you that he doesn't feel the same."

"And what about you? You say that you're falling for him now but when he tells you that he just likes to flirt, then what?"

"He won't be rejecting me," I said with a chuckle. "I'll be the one rejecting him. But that's never going to happen because I still don't know how I feel about him."

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