Chapter 9: Wanted To Know

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Julio's P.O.V.

"Is Ethan gay?" I blurted out during our break.

I sat with the usual group but while I was looking down thinking about what I saw in Ethan's room everyone else was having their own conversations. Until I blurted out the question that's been on my mind since three nights ago. I exchanged my look between all the staring faces and swallowed realizing that I probably shouldn't have asked that question.

"What did you say, Lio," Andi asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Well I just asked if Ethan is gay? Or bi?" I asked but was nervous this time.

I watched as they all looked at each other then back at me and shrugged.

"Not sure," Andi spoke again.

"Why do you ask?" Joshua spoke.

"I- I don't know," I lied only because I didn't want to put Ethan's business out like that.

"Did you see him swallow a guy?" Joshua asked, sounding a little too interested in this topic but Logann punched his arm feeling just as uncomfortable as everyone else.

"If we're being honest," Avery said, who I completely forgot was sitting with us. "I've never seen him with a girlfriend."

"He kissed your friend during the spin the bottle game at the party," Joshua stated.

"Actually," Jasmine, who I also forgot was sitting with us, added. "She kissed him."

"Same thing," Joshua said with a shrug.

"But if you think about it," Andi spoke again then locked her focus on me. "Ethan also really wanted to kiss you, Julio."

"Yeah," everyone agreed for the first time during this whole conversation.

"He was just trying to spice up the game," I said in defense which could be true.

"Yeah so why didn't you play along then?" Logann asked with a raised brow.

I opened my mouth to speak but as soon as my eyes locked onto Maxx I couldn't think of anything else to say. I watched as she looked at Andi who was looking at her then the two girls both looked at me and Andi looked at Maxx again.

The sound of Joshua snapping his fingers then saying "aha" as if he just solved a murder case caused everyone to look at him now.

"I know why you didn't give in," he spoke.

"Why didn't he-" Logann started but was cut off when Joshua spoke again.

"Because you like Maxx."

He said it and everyone quickly looked at her and I did as well and noticed her cheeks flush bright red. Then they all looked at me again.

I should've seen that coming, I thought to myself.

I had my earbuds in while I sat on my bed in my room. I was typing my essay on my laptop but kept losing my train of thought because I could feel Ethan standing in the doorway of my room just staring at me. I sighed then took my earbuds out then snapped a look at him.

"What do you want dude," I asked harshly.

"About damn time," he said, crossing his arms. "I was wondering how long you were going to let me stand here and stare at you."

I rolled my eyes as I watched a grin appear on his face. "Just answer the question."

"How long are you planning on ignoring me?" He asked as if my silence towards him hurt.

I shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about."


"Look," I spoke, cutting him off. "Things are no different right now. Before that night I was still ignoring you and minding my business. After that night-"

"You feel uncomfortable don't you?"

"What? That your gay? No. Well- a little. But only because it's like I walked in on my parents having sex."

"Have you actually?" Ethan asked with wide eyes.

"Ew no. Thank God for that honestly."

Ethan chuckled and for whatever reason it made me smile. This soft moment between us was actually nice but I stopped it before it became something more.

"So was he your boyfriend?" I asked.

"Nah," Ethan replied, shoving his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. "Just another one night stand."

"Another?" I asked in shock.

He chuckled again. "Yeah."

"So you don't do relationships then?"

"I did once."

"Why not anymore?"

"Because it's boring. Being in love with just one person. Who wants that?"

"People," was all I said.

"Right. People."

We stared at each other for a while in silence and I only thought about what else could have happened in his relationship that made him not want to be in another.

"And what about you?" Ethan asked.

"What do you want to know about me?"

Ethan shrugged then took a step forward into my room. "I don't know," he said in a low tone, still stepping closer to me. He sat down on the chair that was by my desk which was on the side of my bed. "What do you want me to know about you?"

I shut my laptop then turned in my bed so my feet would dangle.

"Gosh," I spoke after letting out a sigh. "There's so much to know."

He chuckled again then slid the chair closer to me. "Can I ask you a question then?"

"Sure," I whispered, not wanting to know his question.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked, then a grin appeared on his face while I stared at him and he stared at me.

Now I grinned because I didn't want him to think that I was going to tap out that easily.

"No," I responded. "I'm not."

"Mmm," he groaned. "When did you lose it?"

"Is this really what you want to know about me?"



I watched as he stood up from the chair and stepped closer to me. He stood between my legs then leaned over to whisper to me with the straightest face I've seen on him.

"You know why," he spoke and it sent chills down my body.

I only locked eyes with him, not sure what to say next. I could smell a mixture of cologne and liquor- tequila most likely- on him. He wore only a tank top and I couldn't help but wander my eyes down to his solid chest for a second before looking into his eyes again. But as the time went on and the seconds turned into minutes I didn't know what to say.

Ethan- my gay roommate that didn't do stable relationships- left me speechless.


Coming up in the next chapter - Chapter 10: That Almost Kiss

"We saw you two almost kissed at the party."

"Emphasis on the almost," Logann added. "Even though there shouldn't be an almost because that kiss should've happened."

"Look," I spoke up, stepping in front of the two. "How I feel about Maxx is my business."

"Uh wrong," Logann spoke in defense.

"Wrong?" Joshua and I asked at the same time.

"Yes, wrong," she replied while hitting Joshua's arm. "She's my best friend and if you hurt her then I'll hurt you. So it is my business about how you feel about her."

* * *

A/n: New chapter next Thursday.


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