New Years: Part 2

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Prince's POV

"Man, they gonna kill you for not giving them an encore." Andre laughs chasing me down the hallway.

"They'll get one tomorrow! I have somewhere to be!" I laugh.

"You better hurry before y'all's cab leaves."

"If you weren't talking to me I would've been there already."

"Tell me how it goes!" He yells as soon as I get to the door.

"I will. Nosey ass!" I push the door open and there she is.

"You look great." She smiles.

"So do you." I say out of breath.

"The cab isn't here yet. Do you think we'll miss our reservation?"

"I cancelled it."

"What?! Then why are we all dressed up?"

"I'm taking you somewhere else."

"How far is it from the hotel?"

"I'm not sure, why?"

"You promised me something, remember?"

"You liked that didn't you?" I smirk.

"I did but not as much as you did." She half chuckles.

"You wanna get me back to the hotel so bad."

"I do but only because I have a few surprises for you."

"Like what?"

"There are two under this dress." She smirks.

"What're you proposing?"

"Skip whatever you had planned, go get some champagne, order something quick, and let the fun begin."

"As eager as I am to taste you again, I think you'll want to see this."

"So where are we going?"

"A very exclusive rooftop lounge with music and dancing."

"But it's already past midnight. How late are they opened?"

"I payed for them to stay open a little later."

"How did you do that?"

"I'm a rockstar, mama. I can do anything." Her face softens. Smiling, she walks up to me. I do what I always do when she's this close and her hands rest on my chest.

Tell her now.

"Baby?" My voice catches in my throat catching us both off guard. I try to clear my throat but it doesn't work.

I'm not ready.

"What's wrong?" She asks softly.

"I was just gonna ask what you plan on doing during the break. Think you want to go home?"


"To New York."

"Oh... Umm. Yea, it'll be nice to see my family. Jack Jack is still pretty mad I missed Christmas."

"She won't be mad for much longer."

"You'd be surprised how long a six year old can hold a grudge." The car pulls up and she smiles seeing a familiar face.

"Why hello Miss Genevieve!" Ronnie smiles from the front seat.

"Hello," she smiles climbing into the car. "Ronnie what are you doing here?"

"I have reason to believe this tour is about to pick up. Thought you two might need some security."

"But it's New Years! What about your wife?"

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz