Eve've Got an Itch 2 Scratch: Part 2

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Genevieve's POV

I wake up in the hospital and it all starts coming back me. The shower, the pain, the itching, the screaming. The last thing I remember is being strapped to my bed and stabbed in my upper arm. I look at that spot and see a bandaid then I see white bandages adorning the rest of my arm. Looking over, I see my left arm met the same fate. What happened? Following my leftward gaze, I see Prince fast asleep his arm around my shoulders. I nudge him and slowly he returns to the conscious world.

"Hey, Chocolate Drop. How do you feel?" He smiles still waking up.

"I'm not itchy anymore. My arms still kind of hurt. Do you know why I'm wrapped up?"

"They said you had a panic attack and started scratching your arms."

"Is my skin back to normal?"

"No, you're still covered in hives but they're coming up with a plan to keep them from bothering you until they go away."

"How long do you think it will take?"

"They said a couple weeks." The doctors walks in and gives me a smile.

"Glad to see you're awake. Any itchiness or pain?"

"Just my arms."

"Well those are going to take a while to heal. You scratched yourself up pretty good. We're gonna prescribe you a strong antihistamine to help combat the hives. I'm also gonna prescribe you a steroid cream to put all over twice a day. Avoid putting this on your genitals and face. You can get any over the counter hydrocortisone for those areas. You could also do cold compresses or oatmeal baths. Grind the oatmeal until it's a fine powder and add a cup of it to bath water, soak for 20 minutes then put on your lotion and your ointments. I have some gauze for you. I want you to rewrap your arms every time you apply the ointments or take a bath. You may see some hyperpigmentation, especially on your arms, but it will fade over time. Do you have any questions for me?" I shake my head and he gives me another odd smile. "If you have any issues or it gets worse feel free to come back to the ER." He hands me my discharge papers and a small bag of medical supplies and walks out of the room closing the curtain. A nurse comes in shortly after, removing my IV. She smiles and tells me she's hopes I get better. I thank her for her kindness and watch her leave too.

"Do you want to come home with me or do you want to go home?"

"I should probably stay with you. I'm gonna need your help."

"With what?"

"Well, I did put that soap everywhere and he expects me to cover my body in ointment twice a day. I'll need help reaching my hard to reach places and wrapping my arms."

"Okay, mama. Throw your clothes on and we can go." He stands up to leave the room but I hold his arm. He looks at me for a moment  trying to understand.

"If you're going to be rubbing ointment on me I think you have to see my naked body." He sits back down as I stand up and grab my caftan of the other chair in the room. I reach behind my back, untying each string on the hospital gown and let it fall to the floor. His eyes examine me in my nakedness and I feel unsure. Under normal circumstances, showing him my body would be okay but I'm covered in hives and welts and patches. My skin is red and swollen and angry. I do not feel beautiful in this moment, in this body. I slide the caftan over my body and slip on my shoes.
He makes no fuss he just stands grabbing my paperwork and supplies and helps me to the car. He stops at the nearest pharmacy and gives them my prescription orders. I wait in the car while he grabs them, not wanting to be seen. He returns to the car with a few bags and hands them to me as he steps into the car.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now