Truth B Told

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Genevieve's POV

Tired and achy I walk into Paisley Park. I've spent the last three days deep cleaning my apartment and attempting to pack. Prince told me I shouldn't worry about packing especially since I have clothes at his house but some of my essentials are still in my apartment.

I walk into the rehearsal space and lay down on the stage in an attempt to stretch out my back. Prince wants to perfect a few things before we leave so he's scheduled a few more rehearsals. He promised these would be shorter and less intense just polishing and maybe work on some transitions.

"Hey, Genny babe." I smile hearing his voice as his heels click on the stage floor.

"Hey." I say turning to face him.

"Why're you in the floor?"

"Just stretching. Me back is killing me after all dat cleaning."

"We'll today you won't need to dance too much. I have a different job for you."

"What is it?" I ask sitting up.

"I want us to work on Take Me With U."

"Is something wrong with it?"

"No, we just haven't rehearsed it as much. I want to make sure you're comfortable."

The rest of the band pours in and he gives them their instructions. Blah blah. Fine tuning. Blah blah. Transitions. Blah blah.

I stand up and stand on my little corner of the stage. Tambourine in hand I bull shit my way through the songs and transitions. I'm too tired to focus and too sore in my shoulders to do my normal tricks.

"Mama, come up here and sing with me." He holds out his hand to me and I take it. Standing together at his mic he cues in the band and starts singing.

I watch him closely singing my part on the harmonies. The bridge comes and I can feel his displeasure as he tells everyone to stop.

"I want you to really let this out. Sing over me."

"I feel like I'm screaming and it's really high."

"You can do this. It's okay." I open my mouth and try to do as he says. I look to him trying to see how he feels but I can't hear him over myself in the monitor. He chuckles a little. "You're holding back, mama."

"Prince, if I give you what you're asking for you will not be able to hear yourself."

"Prove it. Band I want y'all quiet."

I sing with everything I have wincing through the higher notes. He smirks looking at me and tells me to keep singing through the song.

"Prince it's too loud."

"I know. I just wanted to hear you sing." I roll my eyes and begin to walk away when I notice a figure standing on the other side of the room. Prince follows my gaze and his face drops in anger.

"Why do I pay so much for security guards if they keep letting you in?" Mayte smiles as she walks up to the stage.

"I was just in the neighborhood but I thought I heard a dying cat."

"Interesting how you are not used to your own voice."

"Just face it. You aren't as good as you think you are."

"Not only am I as good as I think I am. I'm better than you in every way."

"You're shorter than me. You're darker than me. You're bigger than me. That's about it and those are all negatives."

"I'm the better performer and I'm the better woman."

"You ain't that damn good." I turn to Prince pulling him close to me before whispering in his ear.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now