B Mine (Roles Reversed)

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Genevieve's POV

Last night, after we went swimming we spent time at the festival on the pier. Prince and I spent hours playing games and riding rides. When it got late he convinced me to get on the Ferris wheel. We held each other through the ride and halfway through fireworks started outside. It was amazing to see them from up high. After the Ferris wheel, we sat with the band around a fire eating s'mores and singing songs. I'm so grateful for him and the friends I've made. The Revolution isn't just a band it's a family. A dysfunctional family but a I wouldn't have it any other way.

Groggily, I make my way down to breakfast. My options are cold cereal, watery eggs with sausage or undercooked bacon, lumpy oatmeal, pastries or fruit. I pick up a pastry and a banana and sit beside Prince. I'm usually the first person up but today it looks like everyone beat me. I smile seeing he's already made me a cup of coffee. Picking up the cheap mug, I down the coffee, hoping it will wake me up.

"You okay?" Prince asks softly.

"Huh? Oh, I'm...I'm fine just tired." I let out a big yawn and rest my head on his shoulder.

"G, you've never been this tired in the morning. What time did you fall asleep?" Miko asks seeming a bit concerned.

"She didn't. She was up all night." Apollonia chimes in.

"Why is everyone yelling?" I massage my temples and try to focus on one thought at a time.

"Is that true?" Prince asks softly.

"I couldn't sleep. I came down here and sat in the lobby for a many hours and then fell asleep." They all look at me with worried eyes and I feel a little bad. "I'm just gonna sleep until it's time to get ready."

"What time you waking up?"

"Probably around 2."

"You need three hours to get ready?" Andre asks around a bite of cereal.

"Fifteen minutes to shower, an hour and a half for hair, half an hour for makeup, fifteen minutes to get into the dress and accessories, half an hour just in case anything goes wrong."

"Does it normally take you that long?" I shake my head.

"No, but I have to do my hair and that could go a lot of different ways."

"Let me walk you upstairs." Finished with my underwhelming breakfast I hold Prince's hand as we make our way back to the fifth floor. I unlock my door and climb back into bed. Prince joins me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling the covers up to our necks. This is what I needed. I sigh finally feeling at peace and allow myself to drift off to sleep.

I wake up several hours later feeling refreshed. I check the clock and see it's 1:15. Getting up, I walk to the bathroom and see a note.

"Hey, G. The rest of us girls stopped at the mall to get something last minute. We're getting ready in Brenda and Susan's room tonight. I already brought your clothes over. Meet us there. Room 548. -Apollonia"

I decide to start getting ready early so I can take my time doing everything. In the shower, I just let water run over my body. Starting with my hair, I let it fully saturate with water. I detangle with me fingers as I add shampoo and conditioner. Then, I lather up and wash every inch of body three times. Next, I shave my legs and anywhere else that's started to get hairy since the last time I shaved. Finally I enjoy the warmth of the water some more. I feel at peace letting my worries flow down the drain. Turning off the water, I step out, dry off, and cover myself in lotion. Now it's time to do my hair. I plug in my large barrel curling iron to give time to heat up while the trapped heat in the bathroom disappears. I rest in my bed wrapped in a towel for the being then, there's a knock. I peek out the door and smile seeing Prince.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant