Dinner On Me: Part 2

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Prince's POV

We sit at the table amongst the bags and she smiles taking in all the smells.

"Rice, refried beans, quesadillas, tacos, a burrito for Ronnie, chips, salsa, and queso." I call out as I remove each item. Ronnie grabs his container and some of the chips before disappearing down the hallway. "What do you want to try first?"

"I'm not sure. You're the expert."

"Take a taco. They're all different. Chicken, steak, three types of pork, shredded beef, shredded chicken."

"That's a lot of tacos." She stare at all the containers and picks the furthest from her seat. Opening it she eyes it's contents. "Which one is this?" She turns the container around and I look inside. Under the onions and cilantro is a dark meat with a red tint.

"Shredded beef." She nods before turning the container to face her. Carefully she lifts a taco from the container and brings it to her mouth. Taking a large but hesitant bite, I watch her face as she decides if she likes it. Before I'm sure she goes for another bite.

"This is really good. The raw onion gives it a nice bite."

"You're missing out. Add this." I push a container of limes her way and she quickly opens it before squeezing the juice over the next taco. Another big bite later she flops back in her chair. By now I've also dressed and started eating the tacos. We go through the stack of styrofoam containers tasting the tacos and talking.

"What you got over there?"

"Some other type of pork I think."

"Why is it orange?"

"I think it had pineapples or something in it." A grimace forms on her face and holds up her hands.

"You can have all if those."

"Don't like pineapple?"

"I'm allergic. When I eat it my tongue gets itchy and if it's a lot I break out in hives."

"You take something for it?"

"My allergy pills usually do it." I nod taking note and taking another bite. She stands from the table and walks to the cabinet grabbing cups. She reaches in the freezer grabbing a large glass bottle pouring small amounts in each cup. "Come take this shot."

"You get straight to the point don't you?" I pick up the glass as she does the same and we toast. "To trying new things."

"To quality time." Our glasses touch, clinking before we bring them to our lips. The cold liquor is like syrup after being in the freezer. I can't help but shudder as it goes down.

"That was terrible."

"You'll be alright. You want a margarita or a tequila lemonade?"

"Lemonade." I groan feeling the burn in my chest. She nods pulling a bottle out of the fridge. She quickly takes another shot, makes the drinks and then, we bring them back to the table.

"This was very good."

"Wait you e gotta try my favorite thing." I push a larger container towards her. She opens it and looks at it confused. "Just try a piece." She grabs a triangle from inside and we both watch in awe as the cheese stretches. She takes a nervous bite with her eyes closed. When her eyes shoot open and look at me I know she loves it.

"Why does this cheese taste so good?"

"I'm not sure but it's my favorite part."

"And this is that shredded chicken from before right?"

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now