Morning Bliss

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Prince's POV

I keep my arm around her as we walk back to the house. Somehow she had made it all the way to the highway. The walk is going to be long especially since she was still crying. There are several moments where she lost her strength and I have to hold her to keep her from falling. I remain patient and we take our time. We pass several guards on our way each of them with a look of concern and sorrow I had never seen. In the few times she had met them she had impacted them so much that seeing her in such despair hurt them too. How could I blame them? A woman they always saw with a beaming smile was falling apart in front of their eyes.

Many offered to help me care for her but I waved them all away. They simple stood and watched as we made our way inside. They held the doors as we entered the building but remained at their posts. I tell the nearest guard to inform Ronnie and I take her upstairs.

We make our way into my room and find seats on the bed. I rub her back as she settles in.

"Get comfortable. I'm gonna go change. I'll be right back." I release her for the first time since I found her. My arm feels cold and incomplete without her body touching every inch.

I decide to break character and throw on sweatpants and an old tshirt. When I return, she's curled up in the center of the bed. I lie down beside her and offer her silent company as she works through her feelings. After a while, she rolls over and puts her head on my chest. I wrap my arm around her pulling her close and my arm feels whole again. I know I was just in this position with someone else but some this feels different.

She looks up at me with her amber eyes and I smile softly. I hum soft melodies and watch as her eyes close. My fingers trace ornate designs on her side and I can't help but feel at peace. A sleepy haze falls over the room, the only sounds being my gentle humming and her easy breaths. I move around a little trying to adjust my position when she looks up at me.

"Don't leave," she whispers putting her arm across my stomach.

"I won't. I've got you."

Genevieve's POV

My eyes open and I feel a sense of clarity wash over me. I look at the clock on the wall and realized I was sleep for nearly 10 hours. I guess that's what I get for going almost a week without sleep.

As I become aware of my surroundings I feel a hand gently rubbing my hip and thigh. I peek behind me and see Prince snoring lightly with his eyes shut. His arm wraps around my waist and pulls me close to him. I curl up closer to him and just rest my eyes not wanting to move.

I feel myself drifting in and out of sleep. This time when I open my eyes I'm facing him. I smile at his peaceful face before burying mine in his chest. When he feels this he holds me tighter and we stay like this a long while.

I feel him stirring, his body fidgeting as it slowly wakes up. His hand swipes across my face moving my hair out of the way. I open my eyes and smile seeing the peace in his eyes. His hand grips my thigh and it's just then that I realize our legs are intertwined. He doesn't seem to mind and neither do I. I examine his body and start to chuckle, white tshirt and black sweats.

"What's so funny?" He smiles.

"I never would've guessed you owned regular clothes."

"Gotta be comfortable sometimes too." He shrugs. I reach over and rest my hand on his bare arm rubbing it softly. I haven't been this close to a man since I first moved here. It feels good to be held and cuddles. I smile again and his hand holds my cheek lifting my head to meet his gaze. My eyes flicker between his smile and his eyes but before I can even process my thoughts he makes the first move.

His arm finds its way to my waist and his lips meet mine gently before the kiss builds. Our heads tilt in unison as it deepens. His grip on my waist tightens and it all feels so good.

A knock on the door interrupts us. He stops for a moment before kissing me again. He bites my lip gently and smirks. Then, there's another knock.

"What do you want?" He asks turning his head toward the door.

"Just a wake up call, sir. You have that meeting in two hours." He groans and releases me, slowly getting up from the bed. He walks to the door and opens it just enough to peek his head out.

Prince's POV

"What meeting is this?" I ask Ronnie through the crack in the door.

"With Mayte and the lawyers."

"I thought I told them I wanted to wait."

"He called yesterday before Miss Genevieve went missing. He said Mayte is demanding to speak to you. You told him not without lawyers present and made the arrangements for today at 11:30."

"Ugh, fine. Fine. Take care of Genevieve while I'm gone. If Dr. Andrews calls just let her talk to him she's feeling better." He nods and walks off. Closing the door I turn around and see Genevieve sitting up in bed. I walk towards her but she walks around me.

"I'll give you some privacy so you can get ready." I open my mouth to speak but by then she's already passed me and headed out the door.

Sitting on the bed I can't help but sigh. I shouldn't have kissed her but, I couldn't help myself. Having her in my bed, holding her close it all feels different. I like the way her petite frame fits into mine, the way she curls up close to me when she's cold. I'D say I'm using her to fill the void left by my marriage but somehow I think in those few moments I was filling a void for her too. We both seem to need a little comfort but my needs are manifesting differently than hers. I hope she can forgive me.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ