Dancing with the Devil (Roles Reversed)

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Genevieve's POV

I pay the taxi driver and offer him a tip. We thank each other and I head toward the building. The street is blocked off but we all have parking passes. I'm just glad I remembered mine before they towed my car.The cool crisp fall air comforts me as I make my way into the house.

This is the beginning of our last week of filming. Just a few crucial scenes to go before we can call it a wrap. I've been wondering what I'll do to fill my days after filming is done. Maybe I'll get a part time job somewhere or finally finish my pageant clothes. I begin to walk inside when I see Prince sitting in his car and decide to walk over and say hello.

"Hey, P." I smile leaning into the already opened window.

"Hey, G. What's with the cab?"

"Car in the shop."

"Again?! What happened this time?"

"Me headlights stopped coming on!" He smiles softly shaking his head.

"You need to just get a new car."

"When they pay me. I will."

"How're you getting around today?" My face falls in confusion. "No one told you? We're filming the close scenes with Apollonia today." I can feel my face twisting up as I realize what he means. Last time, I was excused but I guess they need me to be here today.

"All of them?"

"Yea and then we're refilming the sex shooter scenes."

"Who put this schedule together? Buh look at me crosses!!" His face goes blank for a moment making me chuckle. "It's like woe is me." He nods accepting my translation.

"You can ride with me today and I'll take you home afterwards."

"Thanks." He gets out of his car and we walk inside. When I spot Apollonia, I sprint in her direction.

Prince's POV

Genevieve runs over to Apollonia as I'm being stopped by Albert.

"Listen, I know how you get but I want to be in and out today. No funny business, alright?"

"Got it."

"Great. Get down to hair and makeup and I'll see ya in the basement."  I leave to the trailers out back and catch up with the guys while I'm in the chair like always.

"Can y'all believe this is it?" Jerome says.

"Yea, last week of filming. Can't believe we're in a movie." I smile before getting fussed at for moving my head.

"We should celebrate. Dinner and the club tonight?" Andre asks excitedly. He's always been the one to get a group of us together.

"Can we bring our women with us?" Morris asks looking in the mirror adjusting his hair.

"I don't see why you would want to." Andre shrugs.

"If Prince is gonna be pressed up against Genevieve. I think the rest of us deserve to walk around with a stella of our own." Morris says looking me over.

"Is she your stella or did you take her from someone else?" I ask tired of his shit.

"I don't think it matters."

"Oh, yes it does", Miko chimes in. "If you bring Mayte, Genevieve is going to kick her ass."

"Again." Jerome adds.

"I have plenty of other honeys in my phone book." Morris adjusts his collar and gets up from his chair. "Y'all just let me know where we going tonight."

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora