Unspoken Feelings

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Prince's POV

Christmas is behind us and we are back on the road. We're headed to Dallas to perform next and honestly I'm pretty excited. Mainly because I can get rid of this damn winter coat for a few weeks while we're in the south.

Sitting on the bus we do our usual things cards, naps, snacks. It's pretty quiet actually and I hate it. That's the one thing I never liked about being on the road, the silence. I can't just close all the doors and blast music. There are no amps or pianos, just a shitty radio that we have to keep changing every time we enter a new city.

"I feel like I'm losing me mind." Genevieve says rolling out of her bunk and onto the floor. She's used to keeping busy too. I'm sure we're bored enough for everyone on the bus. She lays there in the little aisle way staring up at the ceiling as she stretches. When she finally stands up she comes and sits beside me at the table.

"What's on your mind, beautiful?"

"Nothing, that's the problem." She exclaims. I chuckle a little at her frustration. "I've read every magazine, finished all my crosswords and word searches, and ran through all the music."

"If you could do anything right now, what would you want to do?" She thinks for a moment, looking out the window.

"A picnic? By the pool."

"Ooo you could make that lemonade." I smile.

"What about you?"

"I'd kill to be in my studio right now. I hate how quiet this bus is."

"We've got some restaurants and stuff coming up. Do you all want to stop? I can take my mandatory break early. I'm getting a little restless myself." The bus driver speaks up.

"Yes, please!" She squeals in excitement. He gets off at the exit and pulls into the nearest restaurant parking lot. Eagerly we all pile off the bus except Genevieve. She stops to talk to the bus driver. He smiles politely and laughs a little. She nods at him, waving goodbye before standing beside me.

"What was that?"

"I asked him if he wanted anything and what time we should get back. He told me if anyone's got a deli sandwich that's what he wants. No mustard."

"Well, see anything you want?"

"I'm tired of greasy food." She groans looking at all the burger places.

"I know, mama, but all you've eaten the past couple days is a crazy amount of fruit and cheese crackers."

"Can we find somewhere with a salad bar? If I eat another burger I will be a giant woman."

"Sure." Holding hands we walk towards the first restaurant we see. I smile seeing Andre and Fink waiting at the door. They wave, ushering us over to them.

"Race ya!" Genevieve says letting go of my hand and taking off. My jaw drops as her words sink in and I begin running after her. She pretty far ahead of me until she almost steps on something. When I catch up to her I grab her. She erupts into laughter as we come to a stop.

"Next time, I'm gonna push you."

"Next time, I'm gonna win." She chuckles as we walk towards our friends.

"What was that?" Andre asks opening the door.

"She decided she wanted to race and then cheated." I say trying to catch my breath.

"I was winning until I saw whatever that gross thing was on the sidewalk."

"Man, if y'all don't get in here!" Andre says impatiently.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now