Home Sweet Home

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Genevieve's POV

Just a few days before we leave for tour and I'm doing my best to stay calm. Prince sent me to get my nails and toes done to help me relax. He's packing all our clothes and explained there's a wardrobe department responsible for all our performance attire. He promised by the time I got back everything would be ready and we could just spend the next few days relaxing together.

Sitting at the salon, I look over magazines as my feet soak. Honestly, I'm bored. Everyone knows magazines at the nail salon are older than the polish sitting on the shelves. I sift through the pile and come across Essence, nearly screaming as I see my boyfriend on the cover. There's no way they have this. I check the date and it is the newest issue. I'm too scared to open it so I just stare.

"That Prince is so handsome! Very very sexy." My nail lady smiles. "Had to get newest magazine just for him."

I flip through the pages quickly looking for the pictures they took of us and stop when I see pictures of Prince. The next few pages are the interview and a smile forms on my face as I read what he said about me.

"She's an artist like me but in a way that is even more personal. Her body is her best instrument. The way she moves is like the way I play. She uses her training and knowledge to create spontaneous moments. I never know what she's going to do next."

My cheeks feel warm as I look at the pictures then I notice something. My skin seems...different. The scars and stretch marks, my freckles, everything was gone. My skin even looked a lighter in some places like my feet and hands. My face was caked in makeup and my body looked fake. I sigh to myself, closing the magazine and trying to focus on my pedicure. Before long, I am finished and they work on my nails. My brain does tricks trying to figure out why they would do that. Is this common? Did he tell them to do it? As soon as I'm finished, I pay, thank them and head out. I stop at a new stand on the way picking up a copy of the magazine for myself. Then, I make my way back to Paisley Park.

I walk into the building and make my way upstairs with just the magazine. Prince smiles when he sees me walk in but it fades when he notices my unhappy expression.

"What's wrong? Did something happen at the salon?"

"I...umm." My tongue feels like rubber as I try to speak. I hand him the magazine and he looks at it.

"Something's wrong with the magazine?" I nod softly and watch as he turns the pages. The first several are ads and spreads about fashion but then he finds us. He looks at the page with a soft smile then he tilts his head a little in confusion.

"M-my skin..." I mutter. "Do...do they not like me?"

"Of course they like you. The photographer wouldn't have asked you to come to that fashion show next week if they didn't like you."

"Then why did they try to... change me?"

"Do you want to call them?"

"Can you do it?" I rub my arm feeling an uncomfortable energy building inside me. He nods walking up to me. He holds me for a moment then smiles.

"Why don't you go in the kitchen? Susan made some cookies." Together we walk through the house. He pulls out a chair for me at the table and dazed I take a seat. "Susan, can she have a cookie? What else do you want, mama? Coffee? Tea?"


"Cookies and milk it is." Susan smiles walking around to put together my snack. I don't even want it but I smile when she hands it to me anyway.

"Why the long face?" Ronnie asks sitting beside me. Susan offers him a cookie and he takes it holding the napkin in his left hand.

"They lightened my skin in the magazine ..." My words are soft as I stare into the cookie. "And they put so much makeup on me I don't even look like me."

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now