Party at Paisley

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Genevieve's POV

Laying on my couch watching cheesy sitcoms is my favorite thing to do as soon as I get off work. So, that's exactly what I'm doing. As soon as I got off work today, I took off my uniform and turned on the tv. That was 2 hours ago. Tomorrow starts my weekend and I deserve a tasty dinner. As soon as I reach for my phone to place my order it rings.


"Hey, G. It's Apollonia!"

"Catty, can I call you back? I was about to order a pizza."

"Girl forget the pizza! This will be real quick. Prince is throwing a party tonight and you should totally come!"

"I don't know. I told you I don't wanna be anywhere if Mayte's there."

"I doubt she'll be there. She hasn't been on set in a week and get this, she moved out!"

"What's that about?"

"Something about wanting her independence or something. I was there when they were arguing about it. She said he was smothering her so she was moving out and he had her stuff packed before we finished filming for the day. It seems pretty serious. She's even out of the movie! I'm getting bumped up to lead girl! I go in the studio to re-record the tracks next week." I'm excited for her but this is a lot to process. Mayte isn't living with Prince and she isn't part of the movie anymore?! I'll talk to her about her new role later but right now I only have one question.

"Do you think he's okay?"

"He seemed okay on set today." I can hear the shrug in her voice. Prince doesn't seem like he'd wear his heart on his sleeve. I doubt she'd know either way. "Look, he told me to invite you. The whole cast will be there and they want to see you."

"I'll think about it."

"I'll pick you up in 3 hours and you better be ready."

"What do you wear to a Prince party?"

"Something hot but easy to move in." I sigh knowing that she'll never let me stay in and accept defeat.

"You're lucky I don't have to work tomorrow."

"Great I'll see you at 10."

"See you then." We say our goodbyes and I quickly hang up to order my pizza and start figuring out what I'm gonna look like tonight. Once I'm fed and able to focus I start putting my plan in action.

I drag one of my kitchen chairs into my bathroom and begin to tackle my hair. First, I take it down from the tight bun it was in and allow it to fall to my shoulders. I've been straightening it for work. Customers respond to it better than my usual puffs. Grabbing my large curling iron, I begin curling my chest length straight hair. I part my hair on my left side and work my way, back to front, paying special attention to my bang. Once my hair is full of gently waves like Donna Summer I begin my makeup. Gold eyeshadow, dark red lip, and plenty of mascara. I slip into my black unitard and add on a thick leopard print belt and tall black heels. Once I'm dressed, I grab a purse and fill it with the necessities. I pack my keys and lipstick, a few pens and a few scrunchies just in case. Checking the first clock I see, I notice I have 39 minutes until Apples comes to get me. I walk around straightening up and find myself in the kitchen when, I decide to take a shot or two to loosen me up. The last time all these people saw me I was violent and angry. I hope they've all put it behind them. I pull the bottle of rum out of my cabinet and pour the dark liquor into the first glass I can find. Downing the first shot, I sigh allowing the liquid to burn a hole in my chest. I pace around my small kitchen before pouring the next one. I need to relax. It's just a party. We've been to parties before. But never a Prince party. He's notorious for the best throwing all night parties. He's thrown several since I've known him and I never went because of her but she won't be there. Maybe now I can really get to know Prince. He's always been sweet to me. I smile thinking of the few friendly moments we've shared. With a smile on my face a take my next shot while pouring another. The third shot is always for mamakoko. Three was her favorite number. I chuckle thinking about what she'd say if she saw me and knew where I was going. "My god! Too tight. How will you breathe? You will get hot and pass out. At least a dress will offer you a breeze." I close my eyes and say a special prayer for her before downing the shot. Not wanting to impulsively take another one, I grab my things and walk outside for fresh air.

It's dark out. Luckily the parking lot is well lit and the nearest light pole is in front of my apartment building. I lean up against the pole and look up. Stars fill the sky overhead. I can't help but feel like mamakoko is making them sparkle just for me. The crescent moon seems to glow in the navy sky. The whole world seem still. I gaze dreamily at its beauty when a honk brings me back to earth.

"You look great! Hop in!"

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now