Party at Paisley: Part 2

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Genevieve's POV

We arrive quicker than I thought. I never realized he lived so close. I've found that every few minutes of driving in Minnesota you end up in a different city. Paisley Park is bigger than I imagined. A large series of geometric white buildings. We walk into one building and follow a security guard to the correct room. He opens the door a behind it is practically a concert hall. Several tables and couches on either side of a dance floor, each wall holding a bar, and all in front of a stage where Prince and The Revolution were performing. I follow Apollonia for a while, greeting anyone we see from on set. They congratulate her on her new role and tell me how good it is to see me again.

"So, tell me about you being the lead girl." I inquire as she leads me over to the bar. She orders two drinks and the bartender immediately turns around to make them.

"I'll be doing all the stuff Mayte did but they're gonna take out all the belly dancing and replace it with something else."

"Tyson making y'all some new dances?"

"I'm not sure how their gonna do it. We just got the news today. I'm a little nervous about being the lead girl in a band. I've never been much of a singer."

"Neither was Mayte. At least they trust your voice enough to let you get in the studio."

"That's true." She thanks the bartender and pays for the drinks sliding one in my direction. We take a few sips each and I smile feeling the familiar warmth in my throat.

The band finished their set and we all begin to clap and cheer as they walk off the stage. By now, Apollonia and I have migrated to a couch near the bar. It felt like the better environment for chatting happily like old friends.

"Ooo, G, don't look now but Andre and Miko are total checking you out over there." I subtly tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear while I take a scan of the room. I spot the two men smiling and gesturing my way. I smile back softly and look back at Apollonia like I never even saw them. "You're really good at that." She chuckles.

"I'm not a prude just a virgin. Besides, it's a good skill to have. I haven't bought myself a drink in 3 years!"

Prince's POV

I walk off the stage and am greeted by friends and colleagues alike. They congratulate me on my work and ask me how the movie is going. I give them all the same answer as I work my way through the crowd.

When I finally catch up with some of the guys I find half of them standing in one place. They pull me into their huddle and start to fill me in.

"Aye, man. This is gonna be a great party."

"It's a lot of honeys in the room. Everybody take their pick." Dez exclaims getting a laugh out of everybody.

"I got dibs on the girl over there with Apollonia." Miko says gesturing with his head to one of the couches.

"Who is that?" Bobby asks squinting in their direction.

"I don't know but with a body like that she's bout to be my new girlfriend."

"You couldn't get a girl like that if you made her up!" Someone else calls out but I'm too busy trying to decipher the mystery girl. I take a look that way and before I can get a better look both women start heading our direction. "Oh shit here she come y'all."

"Hey, Apollonia." Andre smiles. "You gonna introduce us to your friend?"

She laughs heartily before gesturing beside her.

"Y'all remember Genevieve." The girl pushes the hair out of her face tucking a few strands behind each ear.

"Hello gentlemen." She coos sweetly. She turns her head and I see those glowing amber eyes. The eyes that have pursued me in my dreams at night. Eyes I'll never forget. "My god, close your mouthes. You all act like you've never seen a pretty lady at party." We all mumble some excuse and I watch something in her shine. As if our confusion delights her. We make eye contact across the group. She smiles when she sees me. The others have begun to talk about something else but I can't focus on anything but her. She gestures to a couch behind her and we both slip away without anyone noticing.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now