Impulse Decisions

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Prince's POV

After several minutes of waiting, I see her car pull into the driveway. Many people just assumed she didn't know how to drive since she usually carpooled but she told me she never liked it. Growing up on islands and in cities like New York it was a skill she had but never felt the need to use.

I hurry out of my car and over to hers. Her face softens when she sees me then hardens again.

"I'm not gonna apologize to ya wife."

"T-That's not why I'm here." The anger in her face dissolves and her normal serenity returns. Her eyes return to that beautiful amber and it's as if her entire being took a calming breath. I watch as she struggles with a few bags in her back seat. I take them from her without thinking. She nods a thank you and we walk to her door. She opens the door and quickly enters her first story apartment.

"You don't have to stand outside. You can come in." I hadn't even realized that I didn't pass the threshold. I set the bags on her kitchen counter and wait for her to return. When she does she's wearing a long simple dress. I've never noticed just how curvy she actually is. Even everyday clothes look extravagant on her body. "What's the matter? Ya mother didn't wear house dresses?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare. You just have very...distinct features." I chuckle nervously as she passes beside me and digs through the bags I placed on the counter. She smiles pulling out a few bottles of dark liquor.

"My body truly is a mystery to American men. Tell me, what do American girls look like at 14?"

"You've looked like that since you were 14?"

"Hard to imagine this body walking around a high school. I looked like this but, smaller. Me hips have spread every year since the summer before high school." She fiddles with the first bottle pouring herself a shot and putting away the second. "I tell ya there's nothing like real Jamaican rum. Can I make ya a drink?"

"I didn't know you drank."

"Oh I do. I just find that most Americans can't make a decent cocktail. I mainly drink wine when away from my family but I found a liquor store a city over that sells what I like." She pulls a few cups from the cabinet and begins making us drinks. "Have a seat on de couch if ya like." I walk out of the kitchen into her living room. The area was large with a couch and two chairs, a large tv and tv stand covered in trophies with family portraits on the wall.

"All these trophies yours?"

"Yes. A few from sports but most of them from pageants and talent shows." She walks across the room sitting beside me placing a glass on the coffee table in front of me. She takes a sip from hers and allows a sigh of refreshment to ooze from her lips.

"I never pegged you as a pageant queen."

"It started when I was 14. I had just won me sixth talent show, after two years of living in America. A recruiter spotted me and asked me mother if she had ever considered it. She became my pageant coach and I did my first pageant when I was 14."

"What was your talent?" I ask taking a sip from the glass mindlessly.

"That was my trick to winning. It was different every time. I'd dance at one, play an instrument at the next one, sing at another. It was my key to victory. They never knew what I was going to do."

"You sing?"

"Did you want something?" She says abruptly. I look at her confusedly. "In the parking lot you said you didn't come to make me apologize. What did you come for?"

"I just... I liked your performance. I'd love to have to over. We could just play music. I-I could show you my studio if you'd like. I'd be happy to help you record any music you have and get your opinion about some of the stuff I'm working on." I can't tell if it's the rum or if it's her but I can tell I'm talking really fast. I don't know what came over me but I want to hear her music and I want her to hear mine.

"What about your wife?"

"She's... never home."

"I don't want to interfere with your marriage." I sigh into my drink taking another long sip. "She's not the first woman I've had to deal with. I've been accused of man stealing before. I'm not that kind of gyal. I can't help that I'm built like a vixen."Her voice trails off as if she's in deep thought. Looking into my glass I realize it's almost empty. I finish it off and set it beside hers on the table. She immediately grabs the cups and takes them to the kitchen. "Did you like the drink?" She asks changing the subject.

"Yea. It was really good what was it?"

"It's a rum and coke."

"I've never had a rum and coke like that."

"Jamaican rum makes all the difference." When she returns she hands me a glass of water before sitting down again. "I know it can be strong. Just don't want you going back to set too loose." I smile looking down at the cup it my hands before chugging the water.

"We miss you on set." I say with a sigh.

"I miss being there. Apples actually invited me to dinner with the other women but, nothing beats being on set." I smile knowing she's made a friend. I'm glad she's close to someone. She deserves good people around her and Apollonia is good people.

"Well, I should probably get back. Thank you for the drink." I stand from the couch and head to the door.

"Of course. Come back anytime."

"See you around."

"See ya den."

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now