Dinner on Me

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Genevieve's POV

"What do you have going on tonight?" Prince asks as we walk to our cars.

"Not sure yet. We don't film tomorrow so probably make dinner and have a drink while I work on some stuff."

"Work? All you ever do is work!"

"Says the guy with a studio in his home."

"Touché. What's for dinner?"

"Fish and Cabbage. What about you?"

"Eh. I'll probably get some Mexican food."

"Like burritos and stuff?" He chuckles.

"Yea. You like Mexican?"

"Never had it." I shrug.

"You've never been to Chi-Chi's or Casa Bonita or anything like that?" I shake my head and he just stares at me.

"That's it. You're coming over for dinner."

"You're not buying me dinner."

"You're not going another day without Mexican food."

"I've gone my whole life without it and I'm doing just fine."

"Are you always this stubborn?" He ask smiling.

"Stick around and find out." I smile back. "At least let me buy a bottle of tequila to go with the tacos."

"Deal. You go to the liquor store and meet me at my house. I'll just order a bunch of stuff you can try."

"Alright. I'm gonna stop at home real quick I should be there in about half an hour." I turn on my heels and jog out of the building excited to try a new cuisine. My mother never bothered buying Mexican food. She said their rice wasn't flavorful and it's never as hot as they say it is. She made it sound terrible so I never asked again but Prince seems to like it a lot.

Prince's POV

I say quick goodbyes to the fellas and make my way to the door.

"When're you gonna admit you like her?"

"Even if I did. You're the one who asked her out." I turn facing Andre with an unamused face.

"I got rejected but you've hung out with her at least twice a week for over a month. What gives?"

"I'll tell you but you ain't gonna like it."

"I'm all ears."

"I did kinda ask her out but she told me we don't know each other. So, I'm trynna get to know her."

"By buying her Mexican food and taking her to the mall? Looks like dating to me."

"Trust me. It's the last thing on her mind."

"What about what's on your mind?"

"Honestly, right now I'm just really enjoying the company. It's making the divorce stuff a little easier." He pats my back before giving me a nod of approval before heading to his car.

I make my way to the house and immediately hop on the phone. I order plenty of food before hanging up to find Ronnie. I tell Ronnie when to pick it up and decide to do some work while I wait for Genevieve.

Sometime goes by and I feel a tap on my shoulder. Looking into the glass in front of me a familiar petite frame comes into focus. I smile softly as she wraps her arms around me leaning over my shoulder. She moves that side of my headphones and listens a little before speaking.

"Hey, P."

"Hey, G." I smile at our nicknames. She's always complaining about how long her name is. Apollonia started calling her G first and it stuck but I'm the only one Genevieve ever responds with a letter back to.

"What're you working on?"

"This song. Something is missing but I don't know what."

"Play it through the speakers. You'll be able think better." I rewire the sound and unplug my headphones. The song slowly fills the air and I watch as she listens. She lays flat on her back and closes her eyes to takes it all in. "Stop the song." I hit the button and turn to face heras she sits up.

"You haven't even heard the whole thing."

"Can I tell you before I forget?" She seems giddy with excitement so I nod and allow her to speak.

"Okay so all you really need to take it up is some harmonies but, you need to re-record that she."


"Yea headed into the second verse."

"What's wrong with it?"

"You ran down and it needs to go up. You're telling a story. It's almost a flashback. You're excited about her, show it vocally." I stroke my beard gently taking in her words.

"I was playing around with harmonies earlier but they didn't seem to fit. What did you have in mind?"

"Sing the chorus on a loop." I clear my throat a little before starting feeling a little nervous. I've sung all over the world but something about it only being us in the room makes me nervous.

"Raspberry beret, the kind you find in a second hand store. Raspberry beret, and if it was warm she wouldn't wear much more. Raspberry beret, I think I love her." She listens intently focusing on the movements of my lips. Once she finds the words she opens her mouth to sing. Her harmony is simpler than mine was. She only raised the octave but somehow it fit better. We keep singing on a loop, locking in our vocals. I nearly stopped when she didn't finish the chorus with me but her eyes told me to keep singing.

"I like that ending better."

"Sounds great. Let's record it."

"You'd be better off with someone else doing it. My voice is not that high." The studio phone rings and I pick it up before standing.

"Come on the food here."

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now