Family Ties

75 8 4

Genevieve's POV

After the plane ride, I hail a cab and make my way across the city. I stop a few streets shy of the restaurant when I see a familiar hotdog cart. I pay my driver and quickly grab all of my things before running across the street.

"Paulie! Let me get polish with onions, peppers, and extra mustard!"

"Ahhh, Genevieve. Glad to see you back in the city, kid. One polish your way coming up!" I watch as he prepares my food, the familiar smells filling my nostrils and welcoming me home. "So what's this I hear about you being some type of celebrity?"

"I'm not famous yet but, I did work on a movie and I joined a band."

"No shit! Well you keep doing what you're doing and don't forget about me when you make it."

"How could I forget the best sausage vendor in all of New York?" He hands me my sausage and a few napkins and I reach into my purse to pay.

"This one's on the house. Consider it a welcome home present."

"Thanks, Paulie." I smile walking away with a mouthful of sausage.

"Anytime, kid!" I make the walk to the restaurant and quickly feel myself getting tired. It may be fall but this city holds heat and I haven't had to walk this fast in months. I cross the street and smile as the maroon awning comes into view.

I peek inside the windows. The chairs are flipped on the tables and the kitchen light is out. Everyone must be upstairs. I walk around the corner over to the side door, take out my keys, and make quick work of the door. I carry my bags up the stairs and sigh once I reach the door to our home. I insert my key and turn the knob not sure what to expect. Quietly, I drag my luggage into the living room and turn around. Tears fill my eyes as I see my Baba sitting on the couch.

"There's my Ellie Bean." I walk over to him and take a seat beside him. He hugs me close, kissing my forehead.

"How are you, Baba?"

"I'm alright, my dear. No pain. How's my girl? How's the movie?"

"I'm alright, Baba and the movie was great! We wrapped up filming earlier this week."

"And the band?"

"Prince is giving us all a break before we start rehearsing for the tour."

"Tour? You mean you're gonna travel the country and dance on stage?"


"Will we get to see you?"

"I hear we're performing in Syracuse but I will let you know. I'll send you and Ma tickets to the nearest show to here."

"I always knew you'd be a star." He smiles. "What about that boyfriend of yours?"

"I broke up with Tyson a long time ago, Baba. Didn't I tell you?"

"Oh right. We've moved on to someone new. The leader of the band, what's his name again?"

"Prince." I smile.

"Is that really his name?"

"Yes, Baba."

"Wasn't he married?"

"They're getting divorced. She's a very mean woman and she's done some very cruel things to him. I told him when his divorce is finalized he can take me on a proper date." I smile actively choosing not to mention that we've shared a bed and kiss sometimes.

"Well tell me about him. What's he like?"

"He's not as shy as he is on tv. He's loud and fun but also just very reserved. He's been a great friend to me. He was there when I found out my apartment got broken into and has given me a place to stay and to work when I need it. He... takes care of me." He puts his hand on mine and smiles.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon