Getting Acquainted

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Prince's POV

As I wake up, I smile feeling her body against mine. I slowly release her, taking my arm from around her. She groans curling up in a tight ball. I chuckle silently as I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. When I return she's still in the same spot. I climb in bed, pulling the covers over us. Before I can roll on my side, she turns over, resting her head on my chest. I pull her close to me. Her arm covers my chest and her left leg comes up to rest on my abdomen.  Too awake to sleep but still too tired to start my day I just lie here, holding her.  Her face is so peaceful as she sleeps. I move a strand of hair from her face she smiles a little. Closing my eyes, I relax into this position and embrace the sleepy morning.

A few hours go by and I wake up again. The light trickles in from the windows and I can't help but feel at peace. She moves a little responding to the light. She lets out a big yawn and covers her face with the blankets. A few minutes goes by and she peaks out from under the covers.

"You need darker curtains." She groans with a light stretch her eyes still adjusting to the light. I look down at her with a smile.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

"Sleep well?"

"Yea, until you started moving." She sighs sitting up and laying beside.

"I'm sorry but I had to. Don't be too mad at me, mama."

"I'll figure out how upset I am after a cup of coffee."

"I thought you preferred tea."

"I did too but coffee tastes better here." She rubs her neck grimacing as she feels each tender bruise. The one on her shoulder is the worst, looking almost black.

"I'm so sorry."

"If I didn't like it I would've told you to stop." She smirks.

"If it makes you feel any better you got me too." I tilt my head and show her each of my shoulders. Four scratch marks cover each shoulder starting from the top of my shoulder blades and ending near my collarbone. She checks her nails briefly, before gently touching my shoulders. Her fingers glide over each mark and she pays each one special attention. "Come here, Genevieve." She sits in my lap and continues to examine my shoulders. I lift her head so her eyes are looking directly at mine. I hold her by her waist and just look at her. I could sit like this forever. She leans in and kisses me. Her lips are soft as the melt into mine. I slide my hands down her shorts and rest them on her ass cheeks. She smiles a little as she kisses me liking the feeling. "Mama, this ass is gonna be the death of me."

"I'm glad you like it."

"People don't?!" I ask shocked.

"American girls have different beauty standards. In Trinidad I'm an 11 but here I'm 6.5."

"According to who?"

"I've had years to do some research."

"You asked the wrong guys. I mean everyone in the band thinks you're fine as hell."

"I don't care about them. What do you think?"

"I think you're fine as hell!" She chuckles a little at my frustration but it's true. I can't believe she thinks she's a six. "Mama, on a scale of 1-10 I think you're a million."

"Oh really?"

"You think I wanna hold anyone else like this? Hell do you think I could?"

"Probably not."

"Exactly, ain't nothing but bony asses out here but you got something I can hold at night." I smirk massaging her ass in my hands. "You are so lucky we didn't go to the same high school. You would've been mine."

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now