Chapter 46: Interstellar

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Alyssa looked around the show house and sighed. She came back after everything went down. She didn't want her newly renovated home further tainted by her alters, but that was pointless. She wanted her home to remain untouched by her illness, but it was back. They were back. She still couldn't fully grasp that truth and all that it had wrecked.

She looked down at the black and white journal she had found in one of the drawers of the home. She thought back to Mikhail's words. A journal could be helpful for them all to communicate. She felt it would be useless to try and talk with alters that for the most part could care less about her, but she would do anything for a chance of normalcy.

She didn't know who to address first so she decided to talk to them all. It felt weird addressing them. As she wrote each name, she felt like binds were being removed from her body. Alyssa didn't think it would feel this cathartic but as she wrote words of confusion and anger and remorse things slowly began to shift.

Alyssa sat back on a sigh as she looked at the pages of words written. She couldn't believe it had been three whole hours but as she traced over the words she knew it was time well spent.

The doorbell rang and it shocked her. She knew the girls were busy and Mikhail was packing for the weekend. She didn't want to get her hopes up that maybe Matvei was there to make amends, but as she took steps towards the door her heart beat in double time.

She opened the door and found a familiar blonde standing in her doorway. Two actually with a brunette to boot. Arseny, Konstantin and Vlad stood their giving her remorseful smiles and she couldn't help but chuckle. "Get in here losers."

Matvei stood in the doorway with a wide smile on his face. He needed this. A distraction. She would be the one to bring him out of his dark mood.

He held his arms out ready for the best hug as two red afro puffs bounced towards him. Matvei chuckled as Kinsley Rose squealed before jumping into his arms.

"Mr. Matvei! You're here! Did you bring me something?" Matvei laughed louder. "Kins, you can't just ask a man to bring you something every time you see him."

Lily shook her head at her daughter's tilted head. "Why not? People love giving me gifts. I'm adorable." Dallas sighed loudly already anticipating the foolishness that will be his daughter's dating life. "You're something else, little girl." Asher chimed in. "I know." She simply smiled in reply.

"What's going on, Matvei? We don't have anything going on for a few weeks." Dallas spoke up as they made their way to the living room. "I know. I just...I kind of wanted to see the little munchkin. Play and hang out. If that's okay?"

"Grown man asking to hang out with my little girl before bedtime. That's not creepy." Asher snarked. Lily sucked her teeth as Dallas shook his head. "It's not like that and you know it, ass wipe." Asher let out a laugh. "You need my help, don't you?" Matvei looked down at Kinsley Rose who was perched on his lap.

"How'd you figure?" She simply shrugged her shoulder. "Your eyes look like Papa's when Mommy's mad at him. I take it Ms. Alyssa's mad at you." Dallas, Asher and Lily watched as Matvei further deflated.

Kinsley Rose patted Matvei on the head before getting off his lap. "Come on, Mr. Matvei. I'll make room for you in my schedule. Daddy, please hold my calls."

Asher looked at his daughter stunned as she led Matvei towards their backyard where her life sized barbie dollhouse stood. "She is definitely her mother's daughter." Dallas chuckled before pulling Lily into his arms.

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