Chapter 23: Memento

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Alyssa cataloged Matvei's face with a small smile on hers. She had been watching him sleep for the past five minutes like a little creep and loved every moment of it. This Matvei was serene. This Matvei held her close. This Matvei didn't run.

She was naked in his arms and felt so at peace it was mind boggling. His deep breaths reiterated to her that he too was peaceful and that meant something. It had to. 

Alyssa loved how she felt. The emotions he pulled out of her. The comfort he provided. She always felt Mikhail was crazy offering himself up with his brother as some conjoined prize, but she understood now. They were two sides to a coin that somehow completed her and it was downright frightening.

Now that she knew what he looked like between her thighs, her desire for him was tenfold. Mikhail had mentioned a few times that she would walk away from him due to Matvei's lack of participation and she laughed in his face at the preposterous notion. Presently, as she caressed Matvei's bearded face, she felt that reaction might have been wrong.

She was learning that Mikhail was always ahead of them emotionally and saw something she was just presently coming to terms with. She loved Mikhail. She knew she did and the tranquility that he provided was something she cherished more than anything.

But as she looked at Matvei's face and smiled softly, Alyssa realized she also loved him too. A thought that made her anxiety stand on end, but noticeably not enough to overtake her and have the shadows swarming.

It seemed the Melnik brothers continued to enchant her even from the very beginning and that gave birth to something very real and true, to her anyway, despite the timeline. 

Matvei began to stir before his eyes slowly opened. He wasn't shocked to find big, brown eyes that always warmed him staring back at him. He could always feel when someone was staring at him and that was definitely true when it came to Alyssa.

His hands absentmindedly rubbed her ass and arm before stilling. "Don't stop." Alyssa whispered looking deeply into his eyes. "Aly-" She shook her head. "Can we just pretend we're still in the storm? Just for a little while longer, Matvei. Please." Matvei stared at her pleading eyes and sighed.

He didn't know why it was so hard to say no to her when she looked at him the way she did. Open. Yearning. Vulnerable. He wanted to hand over his fortune to her just to ensure a smile could be placed firmly back on her gorgeous face.

Alyssa could see the very real storm brewing in his eyes and didn't want to give him time to talk himself out of her request. Before she could second guess herself, Alyssa pressed her lips against his. She would've laughed at the way he greedily pulled her against him and took over the kiss if she wasn't busy moaning into it.

They were closer than close and it seemed impossible. Matvei's palmed her breast with one hand while the other molded her ass passionately. He let out a grunt as she grinded her already dripping core on his erection. He could feel how hot and ready she was and wanted to dive in head first once more.

Alyssa never wanted this to end. They had peeled back both physical and emotional layers the night before and she just wanted to continue to ride that high. It didn't seem like much but the things shared made her feel closer to him.

As she felt Matvei reach for her core she pulled up. "Last night was better than I could imagine. You were there for me when I was terrified. You calmed me. Made me laugh. And knocked me out with the mighty power of your tongue. This morning is all about you, Daddy." 

Matvei hummed at her words. He felt and watched as she kissed down his body in such a sensual way he shivered. "Aly, what are you-" When she pulled his erection free from his joggers, Matvei hissed as she began stroking him.

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