Chapter 15: M

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Mikhail found himself in his office the following day tossing his rubber band ball in the air. It was midafternoon and he was still stunned by last night's events. The kiss shared between his older brother and his girlfriend didn't surprise him one bit.

Mikhail knew Winter. He also knew Angel. When those two got together nothing but schemes and drama ensued. The kiss didn't surprise him. No. The things that surprised him were the conversations shared between himself and both Alyssa and Matvei.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mikhail asked on the car ride back to Alyssa's temporary home. "No." She had been giving one word responses to his questions after a large moment of silence.

He knew she was in her head and he didn't understand why. Everyone present could feel the emotions exuded from the shared kiss. It was passionate. Heated. However, what Mikhail felt most from it was pure rawness from two people who refused to admit their feelings for one another.

"It's okay to like him you know." Mikhail voiced as they later sat on the couch. Alyssa was still so lost in thought but she heard his words and shook her head no before looking at him. "You're good, Mik. You're like water. Refreshing. Sweet. I don't deserve a man like you." Mikhail shook his head ready to say something, but she stopped him.

"Matvei is fire. Chaos and burning. I have enough fire in me as it is. I can't risk adding to it. I won't." Mikhail let out a sigh. "Can we just drop it? Please." Mikhail would've pressed her because he knew and saw what she and his brother  refused to.

They complemented each other. They needed each other. The fact was, they were two thirds of their throuple and needed to see that sooner than later. He would've pressed if it weren't for the very real expressions in Alyssa's eyes.

There were so many emotions present that it was overwhelming. It was obvious she was confused, but thrilled at the same time. However, it was the look of fear in her eyes that had him taking a step back.

Mikhail thought over Alyssa's words and expressions as he threw his ball further up in his office. He wished he was done for the day. He wanted to talk with Alyssa to see how she was doing and where her head was at, but she was swamped with some project and he had to attend a meeting in Pflugerville.

He was currently waiting on reports from the accounting team before heading out. It allowed him time to think over his morning conversation with his brother if you could call it that.

"What?" Matvei growled over the phone earning a snicker from Mikhail. "I take it you didn't sleep a wink." Matvei groaned on the other end ready to hang up. He wasn't in the mood to hear his brother's taunting remarks.

"Can I help you, Mikhail?" Silence. "Why won't you just follow your heart and admit you like her?" Silence. "I don't like her. It was one kiss. Big fucking deal."

"It is a big deal, brother. That kiss was major and you know it. She knows it." Silence. "Did she say anything?" Mikhail rolled his eyes thankful they didn't get stuck.

"Why do you care if she said anything? I thought it wasn't a big deal." Matvei sucked his teeth. "You're right. It isn't. If this is all you called me for you can piss off."

"I called you to remind you what day it is." Silence. "Fuck!" Mikhail smirked on the other end. "Be nice, brother. Tensions are obviously high and you two haven't even seen each other. This evening could be great for you if you let it."

"These fucking walkthroughs are your fault!" Mikhail chuckled. "You'll thank me for them one day. Do svidaniya (Goodbye)."

Mikhail had no idea what to expect but as 5pm drew closer he hoped for the best. He knew Alyssa was able to keep her thoughts in check thanks to her busy schedule. He also knew that Matvei would throw himself into the strenuous parts of the job to draw attention away from his mind and towards his aching muscles.

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