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Six months later...

I took in slow deep breaths as I stared intently at the big prison building. Last time I was here was months ago when I visited my brother for the first time and he went feral on me.

Odd enough to say that I was now here waiting for him to finally leave this place. Arlo spent the last months incarcerated and it was probably the toughest experience he ever went through.

I sat lightly on my car's hood as I smoked my cigarette nervously. After a few minutes, the large metallic portal binged loudly to allow my brother to walk out.

Arlo walked the distance with a tired gait, wearing clothes that had seen better days. His unwashed hair hung loosely and his scruffy beard concealed his weathered face. In his hands, he clutched a big garbage bag.

When he finally reached my car, I beamed softly to welcome him but his eyes held a distant gaze.

"Hey. Glad you're back." I attempted to start a conversation but he tiredly walked to the car door to get in. "Hey !" I called again getting irritated.

No response.

He probably wasn't in the best mental state but, for some reason, I hated that this was how we reunited.

I had literally spent the last six months working my ass off to pay the lawyer and Tom also insisted on lending me two hundred dollars that I reluctantly accepted.

As if it wasn't enough, I asked for a day off work to drive him back and Arlo decided to pain me with a silent treatment.

"Arlo, I spent nine hundred dollars for your ass and drove all the way here to ram you home. So you better say something. Thank me." I glared at him.

He looked up to meet my eyes. "I'm tired. I want a beer. I want to see the guys. I literally am not in the mood for kisses and cheers."

I chewed on my lip in frustration. "Are you serious ? Not even a 'thank you sis' ?"

He marked a pause.

Really, Arlo ? Okay.

"Fuck off, Mars. I went through a lot in there and-"

I rolled my eyes then urged into my car, locking the doors in a swift before starting the engine.

My brother furrowed his eyebrows then leaned down to the window to look at me. "What the fuck ?!" He exclaimed. "Mars, what are you doing ?"

"I got you out of jail. I don't owe you shit. Now, that you're free, we can go back to ignoring each other's existence like we've been doing for the last five years."

The man started banging on the glass window. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, MARS ! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE !" I drove forward and he ran behind the car. "PLEASE, I'M SORRY-"

"Stay out of my life, Arlo." I yelled from the window. "I don't want to hear from you again. Bye !" I left the parking lot and left the homeless-looking man in the street.

God, that felt good. One problem out.

. ° .• °:.*° . . ° .• °:.*° .

"Where are we going ??"

"Shut up, Mars. I told you a million times, it's a surprise." Bill answered and I threw my head back in annoyance.

"Are you sure I'm not overdressed for wherever you're taking me ?" I questioned, fumbling with the sleeves of my tight dress(☆).

"No, you're perfect." He smiled.

Surrender  -Tom kaulitz-Where stories live. Discover now