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"Come on, get your lazy ass up !" I threw a pillow at Tom's face as he snored softly on the bed. "I literally went to work then came back and you're still asleep. Wake the fuck up !"

"Leave me alone !!" He whined, his face covered by his long untied hair.

"Tom, please ! I have a meeting in like half an hour, you need to go home." I begged the man.

"Just go ! When you come back, you'll find me here. The problem's solved !" He groaned. "Now, let me sleep."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

I knew I could easily let him stay here for the evening but the fact that I had someone waiting for me at home when I come back kind of freaked me out.

We started dating just a few days ago and he already slept over twice. I was just scared that maybe the relationship was getting too serious too quickly...

"Whatever, Tom. I'm out." I sighed, when Alexandra sent me a text. "I don't know when I'm back, just... there's no food here, but there's beer in the fridge and I already fed Vodka so you don't have-"

"Mars, I'm okay. Just go." He cut me off and I pursed my lips in hesitation.

"Okay, bye." I breathed out, grabbing my purse and walking towards the exit.

"Love you !" He called and I marked a pause, trying to register what he just said.

Fuck, we sounded like a married couple...

Shut up, Mars. Just grow up.

I left the apartment and bobbed down the stairs to join Alexandra's car.

The lawyer was waiting in her red fancy vehicle as I made my way towards it. "Hey !" I grinned.

"Hi, pretty girl ! I'm glad to see you !" Her face lit up as she saw me.

"Thank you. I am too." I said, sitting down in the passenger's seat.

She drove us to the Peachy Night, a pretty fancy restaurant on the beach that I certainly couldn't afford. I agreed nonetheless, I couldn't risk her knowing about my financial situation, or else she could refuse to work with me.

Alexandra selected a nice table for us and the waiter welcomed us with a large grin. "Hello, madames. May I offer you a bottle of wine to begin with ? You can take a look at the menu and I'll be right with you in a few moments."

"Yes." The latino women returned the smile. She turned to me. "White wine is okay with you ?"

"Um... yeah, sure." I acquiesced shyly.

"Alright. Then we'll get a bottle of Albariño and some appetisers for now."

"Gladly." The waiter nodded politely before leaving our table.

We watched him step away from the table and, as I turned to look back at Alexandra, I smiled when I noticed her staring at me.

"You look breathtaking." She said in her signature soothing voice.

"Thank you, that's really nice." I looked down, blushing. She had that specific effect on me, she was really nice and her intense eye contact destabilised me.

"We're not obliged to talk about work, you know ?" She declared. "I've been sensing that your brother's situation has been pretty hard for you so if it's that big of a deal, we can just hang out and talk about something else."

I shook my head softly. "Yeah, it's been pretty tough but I don't really mind dealing with it. I've been taking care of people's shit for as long as I can remember. It's not that uncommon for me."

"Really ? Tell me about it." She rested her elbows on the table, listening.

I chuckled. "It really isn't that interesting, I promise you."

"No, come on. Talk to me." She insisted.

"Well, my father was an alcoholic abusive piece of shit and my mother killed herself when I was in my teen years. Aside from my drumming lessons, they didn't really provide me with anything."

"You play drums ?" She smiled. "That's so cool."

"Yeah." I giggled. "My mom loved music. She wanted me and my brother to be invested in arts so she insisted that I took lessons. Drumming just stuck with me."

"And your brother ?"

"He began with breakdancing but, when he reached puberty, he completely lost interest. Apparently, gangs and drugs were much more entertaining subjects for him."

She nodded slowly. "That's alright. It's pretty common for teenagers to be attracted to shit like that."

"Yeah, I can't say I wasn't. Cigarettes, alcohol and parties  ruined me and my income at the time. I wasn't really mentally stable, let alone the ability to take care of my dad and brother."

"What about your dad ? Where is he now ? If you don't mind me asking."

"He shot himself a few years ago." I pursed my lips, drinking from the wine that had arrived a few minutes back. "Now, I have a job and an apartment. I don't think I've ever been that stable in my life." I let out a nervous laugh.

"Are you dating anyone ?" She asked.

I hesitated for a moment. "Yeah. Recently."

"Oh." Her small smile faded. "And are you happy ?"

I grinned widely. "Yeah, kind of. I really... really like him."

"He must feel so lucky to have you."

"I hope he is." I laughed softly. "We went through a lot, so I'm really glad we're in a good place now."

The food arrived, marking a pause to our discussion. I devoured my pasta with appetite and we conversed for hours.

Alexandra was really sweet, she had a way of making me feel safe and comfortable with her. We didn't talk about my brother's case and I was glad the dinner went great.

She paid for me which I thought was really nice but unnecessary. After what felt like hours of insisting, I finally gave in to her demand and let her offer me tonight's dinner.

She dropped me off later and I bid her goodbye before heading to my apartment. When I opened the door, I was weirdly disappointed to not find Tom.

Vodka urged towards me and I picked her up in a swift. She started meowing in my arms and I drowned her with small kisses.

"You miss Tom ?" I asked her and she caressed her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, me too, girl... me too..."

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