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Tom's pov

I paced around the room, my jaw clenched and my hand running through my dreads nervously. I had decided against wearing a cap tonight, leaving my hair down, and I did good because I was growing hot by the minute and my cap would have just suffocated me.

I looked down at my phone, throwing it on my desk frustratedly. The girl I was making out with, Sarah was it ?, was blowing up my phone looking for me. But I had priorities.

God, how girls can be so beautiful yet so annoying.

Mars was laying on my bed, still passed out. I noticed she wasn't alright from the first time I had seen her earlier. But she reassured me and I believed her.

What a dumbass.

It has been ten minutes since she was laying there but I was already freaking out. A soft knock on my door made me jump and Bill entered.

"Is she okay ?" He asked with sad eyes.

"She didn't wake up yet."

"I'm scared, Tom." His voice cracked. "Did you see her arm ? It's getting bad and we can't do anything about it. It's driving me insane."

"Don't worry. I removed most of the glass out of her skin. I found some rubbing alcohol so I cleaned her up and put a bandage. She's going to be okay."

"I'm not talking about that." Bill shook his head. "She's still going through all that abuse. I swear, I thought of everything we can do but there's no way she'll let us help."

I sighed. "Yeah, she won't."

Bill's eyes started watering and my face softened. "Hey, hey... Bill..." I grabbed his shoulders and rubbed them comfortingly.

My twin started sniffling. "We're leaving her for two months, Tom. Who knows what can happen in two months ? I can't leave her here, what if we come back in October and her dad ended up killing her ? What if she fucking kills herself ?" He covered his mouth with his hand and sobbed quietly.

I took him in my arms as he cried against my chest. "Hey... Hey, don't cry. She's going to be okay. She's strong enough."

"Is she though ?"

"Hey, come on." I brushed a hand through his hair. "Don't ruin your makeup. She'll wake up soon."

Bill calmed down after a few minutes. He glanced at Mars with puppy eyes before leaving the room.

I breathed out heavily leaning back on my desk and lighting up a cigarette. As creepy as it sounded, I watched her sleep.

Her eyes shut down, her dark straight hair falling randomly on her pale skin. Her septum piercing, her lips, her chest heaving up and down as she breathed slowly.

All women who stay in shape are physically beautiful. Being fit, having a bit of muscle, goes a long long way in sexual attraction. Yet she was beautiful from her body to her heart and soul. God, she was captivating.

I awoke from my oblivious staring as she started stirring in her sleep. I urged towards her. "Mars ?"

She took a long heavy breath and her eyes opened slowly. "Wh-what ?"

I smiled in relief. "Hi."

"What happened ?" She asked, confusion readable on her face. She sat up rapidly.

"You passed out. In the middle of the dance floor." I answered her and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I passed out ? Fuck." She looked down and brought her hand to her arm where a bandage was securely tied. "You did this ? It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Yeah. I took the glass out."

She bit her lip shamefully. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "Stop fucking apologising for everything. It's not your fault you passed out."

"I shouldn't have come here." She sighed. "I knew I wasn't doing okay but I just thought... I'm sorry I ruined your party."

"Don't think you're that special." I smirked. "Everyone is downstairs, having a blast. No one's party got ruined."

"Yours did." She looked up to me through her eyelashes and my heart skipped a beat at such beauty.

"It didn't." I beamed. "Come on, let's join the others. Bill is worried sick."

She thought for a bit. "You know... I'm really going to miss you guys. I got used to seeing you everyday." She smiled.

I smirked. "Aw, look at you. You're a softie, now. Thank god, we weren't really loving the sarcastic mean Mars we met a few weeks back."

"Fuck off, I know you secretly liked her." She punched my shoulder playfully and I dramatically widened my eyes.

"Oh my god ! Was I that obvious ?!" I quoted her and we both broke into laughter. Slowly but surely, our laughing calmed down and we stared at each other with shy smiles.

My brow cleared and my eyes turned to honeyed fire as they drifted down to her lips, which, I noted, were now parted.

This was going to happen. I was finally going to get a taste of this mysterious girl who have been roaming through my mind for weeks now.

"Tom ?" My twin's voice boomed from behind the door and made a stop to our intense eye contact.

I pursed my lips, getting up and opening the door for Bill. He barged in and his face lit up when he saw Mars awake.

"Mars !" He jumped on the girl, hugging her tightly as she laughed.

"Hey, Bill. I didn't die, you know ?" She was stunned by his exaggerated worry.

"Yeah, but you're hurt and I was worried about you." He pouted.

"I'm okay, now. We can go party." She did a little dance and Bill laughed.

"I'm glad you're fine. Let's go !" He stood up, pulling the dark haired girl with him.

"Where are the others ?" She asked.

I stepped in. "Gustav is hanging around somewhere and Georg wanted to spend his last night before the tour with his girlfriend."

She nodded surely before following us out into the party.

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