🌩 Twenty one 🌩

313 20 4

Felix's pov

         "I don't care about the bet anymore."

Jisung and Hyunjin both exchanged surprised looks, gasping at my sudden outburst, whereas Seungmin had his usual unamused expression.

"You never cared, you just wanted to be around Jiyeon more," He pointed out, giving me that knowing look, Jisung and Hyunjin growing even more perplexed.

"Fuck you for being right."

Jisung placed his hand on his chest, while Hyunjin pretended to faint. "You cussed," Quivering, the squirrel spoke, like it was the first time ever.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I heaved a sigh, finally lifting my chin off the table— one of my sad antics, if you actually pay attention, you'd notice— I then look away from them. "I'm just confused."

"Ahh yes, being confused can be frustrating, this one time in Maths class, the board was blank, yeah? But when I picked up my pen, it was filled with all sort of signs and alphabets, like that are letters even doing in maths? My point is I hate it when my roommate sleeps with his lamp on."

Jisung and I remained quiet, our vague gazes pinned on Hyunjin, who was so invested in telling a story that doesn't concern the current situation.

"Please explain how relevant that information was?" Seungmin glared at Hyunjin, and if looks could kill he'd be six feet under by now.

"You guys were confused right? That was exactly my point."

Seungmin tried saying something but gave up after words failed him at that moment.

"I think I lost my last braincells," Jisung blinked a couple of times, still trying to comprehend whatever Hyunjin had just said.

"You lost them two years ago."

Jisung, like a child, stuck out his tongue at Seungmin, annoying the puppy more.

"Stop arguing guys, Felix clearly has a problem and we need to help him," For once Hyunjin was the mature one, and another for once, he wasn't being dramatic— I wonder how long that would last.

"Thank you, Jinnie," a smile finally tugged on my lips, pushing my eyes into slits. I exhaled sharply, before presenting my problem to the table. "Ji is ignoring me."

"I'm not," Jisung immediately spoke up. Crap I should differentiate them some how— how about Jisquirrel or Hamburger jisung— fuck that, I suck at quick thinking.

"Not you ji, I'm talking about Ji."

"Rip, twenty percent of my will to live after hearing that," Seungmin did a peace sign, his eyes shut tight. Sometimes I fell pity for his sanity.

Hyunjin started laughing, which Jisung joined in on, and surprisingly, Seungmin decided to join in on the out of pocket laughter.

"Should we tell him?" After the laughter died down, Seungmin prodded the two, who where still trying to calm down.

"Nah, let him suffer first," Hyunjin wiped a tear, smiling contently to himself, before another round of laughter erupted again.

I swear I'm confused. Even more than I already was.

"Meanies," I huffed, standing up to exit the cafeteria, but they didn't stop me, just kept on laughing and a couple of he's so clueless along the line.

Talking to them didn't do any good, I guess I have to take Chan's advice.

Not my best choice...

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This took only twenty minutes

Anyways hi, how are you?
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