🌧 Eleven 🌧

391 22 14

Third person pov

          "Just tell me what you're looking for!"

To say Felix was exasperated would be the award winning understatement of the millennia, so he huffed out the air from his cheeks, expelling them into nothingness.

Jiyeon swatted her hand at him, eyes still reading what was written on various papers that laid in front of her.

"Are you stealing from him?" Felix crossed his arms, finally dropping the pillow he was crutching on his chest, his jaws dropping. "If so I'm out!"

With loud steps, he approached the door, inwardly hoping that Jiyeon would stop him. To his surprise (not) she remained silent, only the sounds of paper on paper was heard.

"You're not gonna stop me?"

"No, you can go," Dismissively, Jiyeon only glanced at Felix blankly.


"If you wanna go, then go, Milky!"

"Its Felix, geez lady!"

Jiyeon blocked out Felix's whining, with widened eyes, she read the information written on the piece of paper. Felix ranting in the background about Felix-knows-what.

"Oh my what the fuck!" Exclaimed Jiyeon, an awkwardly wide grin on her lips.

"I know right? I actually said the same thing," Felix gripped with excitement, turning fully to face Jiyeon.

And then it was all blabbing again, as the female paid her attention once more to the paper.

"No way, he actually-" Jiyeon marvelled, agape, her jaws dropping so low.

"That's what I'm saying," Felix got a little carried away with whatever he was saying— poor guy, even the author don't know what he's talking about.

"Mmm, I love it, I'm so happy!" Jiyeon got up and walked over to Felix, pulling him by his cardigan.

"Me too!" Felix beamed, complying to every tug made on his outfit. "I can't believe you listened to my story."

"Huh?" The black haired paused, a perplexed look on her face, her head slightly tilted. "Oh yeah!"

She didn't wanna delay any longer, so with a forced half smile— can you imagine— she pulled Felix out of the room.

How lucky she felt, an important piece of information was just unfolded about her target, coming to this school wasn't a complete waste after all.

"Hey, what are you doing here when its past your curfew?"

None other than Mr Kim's voice interrupted them, and he wasn't really hyped at this moment, cause Hyunjin's so called hippo-snake was his roommate's stuffed Horse in sweatpants.

"Oh shit!"

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Anyways hi, how are you?
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