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Semi important authors note at the end so please read that to stay informed and please answer the question I have at the bottom as well I really want your opinion. Thanks loves💜💜

Y/n's pov

The last few weeks flew by in a blur, Jisoo was sick and ended up missing the shows in Hong Kong. The concerts in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi were fun but I could tell by then end of the Abu Dhabi show that the girls were ready for the tour to be on a break for a while. I was currently out with Duri gift shopping and I was anxious, tomorrow was my six month anniversary with the girls. I had been able to save up a good amount of money since I didn't have to buy groceries or other small things like that since I've been on the tour.

"What if they hate everything I get them" I bit my lip scanning my eyes over a few things sitting on a table in the current store we were in.

"Y/n I highly doubt that" he laughed as he also looked at a few things. "Come on what have you gotten them so far?"

"Well I ordered us all matching hoodies that have the date we got together on it in Roman numerals and on their individual hoodies I put their initials and a heart on the bottom of the left sleeve."

"That's cute" he smiles

"I made a collage with some of the Polaroid pictures I've taken of us, I also wrote a cute little message on the back of the collage I hope they like it."

"I'm sure they'll definitely love that"

"I got a funny gift but it's also kind of cute, it's a stuffed bear wearing a shirt with a heart on it and in the heart it says '6 months together and I still fucking love you' " I smile hearing him chuckle

"I also splurged a little bit and got us all matching necklaces" the necklaces did cost me a good bit of money but they are really beautiful and I hope they love them. "I also got them a few things individually like I got Lisa that new camera she's been talking about lately and some film. I got Jisoo those new games she's been wanting for her switch. I got Jennie a few Lego sets because I know she likes to build them in her spare time, I also got her some Polaroid film. For Rosie I got her a bunch of stickers and some new art supplies since she's been into stickers lately and I know she likes to draw. I got them a few other things but yeah that's about it"

"Then I would say that you got them plenty of things"

"I wish I could give them more they deserve everything Duri"

"Y/n trust me they will love what you got them"

"Oh! I also made a reservation at a nicer restaurant I paid extra to make sure we were in a secluded area too. I made sure to remind them a few times about the dinner too this week. I know they've been a little stressed and busy with learning their new choreography for the tour" I smiled knowing the girls definitely deserved to have a nice meal for all their hard work.

"Well aren't you romantic" he joked

"Yeah yeah it's just- they truly do deserve everything and I want to show them how much they mean to me and how much I love them" I smile blushing a bit, I was really head over heels for the girls.

"They know how much you do Y/n and they will love everything" he slung his arm around my shoulder "Now come on sounds like you've got a big day tomorrow" he chuckled

Today was our anniversary and I was super excited but nervous that the girls wouldn't like their gifts. I had sent the girls a good morning text when I woke up, I got to sleep in a little later than usual since there wasn't much that Duri and I had to do work wise today. They didn't respond but I knew it was because they were in the studio practicing they had an early wake up call and have been there since 5am. I felt bad because I know they didn't get back to their dorm until a little after midnight so me being the nice girlfriend I am, I pulled over getting them some breakfast knowing they haven't eaten. I smiled at the cashier as she handed me the food before I continued to the company. I parked getting out smiling as I ran into Duri.

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