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Y/n's pov

I was currently sitting next to Duri as the girls were recording some songs. I could feel them all glancing at me but I didn't want to meet their stares so I focused on my laptop.

"Dude you okay? You're strangely quiet and the girls keep looking at you" Duri whispered

"Yeah man I'm good" I said glancing at him. He gave me a we'll talk later look and I nodded.

"All right girls that's a wrap, head down to the dance studio now" the man says and they gather their things glancing at me one last time before leaving. The man left the room shortly leaving just Duri and I, I stand up and grab my things.

"Okay spill what happened with the girls? Why are you all acting weird?" He says narrowing his eyes and I sigh.

"They uh, they asked me if I wanted to be in a relationship with them" I mumbled



"Well what did you say?"

"Well I choked...literally" I say thinking back to the other night.

"Y'all stop dancing around it! We all like you Y/n and we were wondering if you wanted to be in a relationship with us"

I spit out my water and started coughing. They all stood up but I put a hand up stopping them. Leave it to Jennie to be this blunt. I finally stopped coughing and glanced back up at the girls who looked at me with hope in their eyes.

"Well what do you say?" Rosie asks

"Please say yes" Lisa smiles

"U-um can I-" I start

"Can you what?" Jennie asks

"Can I have a few days to think about it?" I ask and I see them frown slightly


"Of course Y/n, it's a big decision" Jisoo says squeezing my hand softly. I stand up and grab my stuff but before I leave their dorm, I turn around and give them each a hug hopefully easing their minds a little.

"I'll see you girls tomorrow"

"YOU CHOKED!? PFFFTTTTT" Duri starts laughing and I roll my eyes.

"Not helping man"

"Why didn't you tell them you liked them right then and there? I mean didn't we already establish you liked them?"

"I don't know man I was just caught off guard! I mean committing yourself to one person is hard but four? Especially when they are all completely different, it's going to be very hard. Not to mention what other people would think when they find out...actually people can't find out that would ruin their careers"

"Hey your relationship doesn't need to make sense to anyone, except you and the girls. Who cares what other people say, as long as you and the girls are happy that's all that matters."

"Yeah.. I just feel bad, it's been a few days and I know they are growing anxious."

"Just talk to them dude. Everything will fall into place." He says patting my shoulder.

"Thanks man. Hey I'll meet you down there at the studio, I've got to talk to my uncle about something" I say and he nods. I make my way up to my uncles office and knock, seconds later I hear a faint "come in".

"Hey uncle" I say walking inside.

"Y/n, what can I do for you?"

"A friend of mine is getting married next week and I was wondering if I could take time off to go"

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