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Y/n's pov

I groan hearing the annoying buzz of my phone, I chose to ignore it but when it started buzzing immediately after it stopped made me frown. I reach over to it with my eyes closed bringing it closer answering it.

"What the fuck do you want? Why are you calling so damn early in the morning?"

"Damn note to self you aren't a morning person. How could you speak to your loving cousin like that?"


"Well duh its not fuckin Santa Claus"

"Hmm sorry I answered the phone without looking at who was calling. Anyways why did you call?"

"You mean you haven't seen it?"

"Seen what"

"Well you my lovely cousin are the mystery girl of Bae Joo-hyun"

"Uh who the fuck is that?"



"Yeah dispatch released an article this morning about her being spotted with a mystery girl and how they could be dating. Anyways fans have already done their super sleuthing and identified you, looks like you're famous now too" I press the home button after putting her on speaker so I could look for the article and I frowned when I saw it.

"Are you kidding me I'm literally standing like five feet away from her. I knew she looked familiar when I finally got a good look at her but she just chuckled when I asked her why"

"Probably because she was amused you didn't know her"

"Well forgive me for not stalking and knowing every Kpop idol known to man, I have better things to do with my time. And besides I only talked to her for all of five minutes some guy was getting handsy with her and I could tell she didn't appreciate it so I went over to try to help her but then she ended up elbowing me in the ribs."

"Ha loser"


"Anyways its really dispatch trying to make a story out of nothing. I'm sure SM is already talking to Irene so they can put out a statement"

"A statement for what? Literally nothing happened between us besides her giving me a nice bruise"

"Its just how companies handle things when something about their artist gets released" I continue to scroll when Rosies name pops up on my phone making my heart stop.

"Uh hey I've gotta go someone else is calling"

"Okay talk to you later mystery girl" I answered Rosies FaceTime request and soon enough her pretty face was on my screen.

"Uh hey Ro Ro ho-"

"Y/n L/n" oh fuck she's not happy I pout giving her puppy dog eyes trying to get her to break and not be as mad "Oh no don't try to act cute Y/n"

"But it's not my fault!"

"Y/n why am I waking up to a dispatch article about you being Irenes mystery girl" she glared

"Its really not what it seems. Do you really think I would cheat on you girls?" I guess I could count myself lucky that because of the timezones the other three aren't awake yet since its the middle of the night where they are, though I know that I can definitely be expecting their calls when they are awake.

"No I don't, that thought never crossed my mind Y/n but please just tell me why there's an article about you"

"Well last night after Duri finally found a girl that flirted back with him I decided to go back to people watching. I saw this girl trying to push off a man that was being handsy with her. So I decided to try to go help her, I went up to her gently touching her shoulder then she elbowed me really hard in the ribs so I now have a nice bruise, anyways she spun around really fast and apologized because she thought I was maybe one of his friends or another guy. Then after that I looked at the guy who was the same dude who came up to me and I told him to fuck off and leave her alone. He went to say something but then security dragged him off. She then introduced herself and I told her my name and she thanked me for helping her and that she was sorry again for elbowing me in the ribs. I asked why she looked familiar but she just chuckled and that was it, I swear Ro Ro." I finished my rambling but the whole time I couldn't really tell what was going through her head as she looked at me blinking a few times as I finished.

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