Twenty [M]

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Had to make y'all wait a lil min because the votes or comments weren't there last chapter. Anyways I know y'all see that M rating up there...don't do anything I wouldn't ;)

Y/n's pov

I let out a sigh of relief as the plane finally touched down in Dallas. I had no leg room and I had to sit next to an elderly woman who kept having to go to the bathroom, she also fell asleep on my shoulder and snored the whole time so I couldn't sleep on the way over because I didn't have the heart to push her off. To top it off Duri pissed me off because he took about a million photos of the lady passed out on my shoulder. I remained seated since I knew I wouldn't be getting off anytime soon since everyone else stood up. I guess the old lady didn't appreciate that as she started yelling at me saying if I wasn't going to stand and go then she would. Now her flat ass was in my face because she couldn't move anywhere. I look up to see Duri snickering taking a video so I shot him a murderous glare.

"Once I get off this plane and have coffee in my system, i'm going to kill you and that's not a threat it's a promise" I see him gulp shoving his phone into his pocket quickly turning back around. Soon enough people slowly filed off the plane so I stood up grabbing my carry on walking to get my checked bags. Once I receive my other bags I make my way into a Starbucks ordering a venti caramel macchiato with four shots of espresso. I wait patiently for my name to be called thanking them as I grabbed my drink quickly taking a sip to feel slightly more alive, I pull out my phone feeling it buzz

Did you land yet darling? :Jisoo

Me: Yeah our plane landed a few minutes ago

Was the flight good? :RoRo

Me: Not at all I'm not in a good mood

What happened? Do I need to file a complaint with the airline? :Jennie

Me: No Nini you don't

Me: Just this lady who I got stuck with on the flight and Duri I'm actually going to kill him

Did this lady try something? :My monkey

Me: No she was an older lady who kept getting up and down to use the bathroom which she can't help I guess. But I got no sleep at all because she fell asleep on me! And she was snoring the whole time but I didn't have the heart to push her off.

Me: But I wish I did because when we landed I didn't stand up because obviously I wouldn't go anywhere with all the people. So what does this lady do? Yells at me! Then got up and couldn't go anywhere so she stood there with her flat ass in my face!

Were you looking at her ass? :My monkey

Me: NO!

Then how did you know it was flat?:Jisoo

So how does Duri fit into this? :RoRo

Me: Because he took pictures of the lady asleep on me and with her ass in my face! And he didn't shut the hell up about it

I know you're angry babe but honestly its kinda a turn on :Jennie

^ :RoRo

^^ :My monkey

^^^ :Jisoo

Me: All I know is next time I'm fucking swimming, I don't care.

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