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Y/n's pov

It has been a few weeks since I've started my job as an intern at YG. It has been fun so far, Duri and I are becoming fast friends and the girls have been pretty easygoing...well all except Jennie. I have no clue what her deal is. It's always Y/n do this or Y/n do that... I mean I get it that's my job but damn a please wouldn't kill her. Duri and I are currently heading over to the girls dorm to pick them up for the shooting of their music video.

"Okay the girls are on the top floor third door on the left" he says in Korean and I nod. I've been getting better with the language as I've learned to say a few phrases along with some other basic things. One thing I can definitely say is Jennies coffee order as I've had to get her one everyday. I make my way into the elevator and it slowly makes it's way to the top. It dings and soon enough the doors open and I go to the dorm. I knock and I hear a loud ruckus coming from inside and seconds later an out of breath Lisa opens the door.

"Y/n!" She says excitedly and throws her arms around me catching me off guard slightly but I hug back.

"Well hello to you too Lisa. Are you girls ready?" I ask pulling back and she pouts but quickly smiles.

"Almost we're waiting on Rosie and Jennie" she says pulling me into the dorm so I quickly take off my shoes.

"Correction we're just waiting on Jennie" Rosie says walking out of what I guess is her room.

"Ah yes her majesty" I chuckle

"Y/nnn let's play 20 questions now" Rosie whines


"Yes you promised we would play" she huffs. She looked like a little kid throwing a fake tantrum and it was adorable.

"All right fine at least until Jennie comes out" I send a quick text to Duri letting him know that we were waiting on the Queen b.

"Okay we won't ask anything awkward okay" Rosie smiles and I nod

"Dogs or cats?" Lisa asks

"Um I prefer dogs but cats are okay"

"What's your favorite color?"

"I have two, blue and purple"

"Favorite food?" Jisoo asks

"Um I like a lot of stuff, that's a hard question to answer but I guess you can't go wrong with a good burger with some fries"

"I like chicken" Jisoo says

"You don't say" I joke causing her to playfully smack my arm

"Ooh if you had a super power what would it be?" Lisa asks

"Um... probably to be able to heal the sick" I say and they all aww at my response causing me to blush.

"Do you like trees?" Jisoo asks pointing at me

"Trees? Uh they are okay I guess"

"No say you like trees!"

"Okay okay I like trees" I say laughing

"What's your-"

"Let's go" Jennie says coming out of her room and the others pout.

"Y'all sure do pout a lot it's kind of cute" I laugh. I see the three girls blush and I slip my shoes back on sending a text to Duri letting him know we were on the way back down. We enter the van and Rosie speaks up.

"Y/n what's your phone number?" She asks pulling out her phone and the others look at her questionably.

"What? In case we need to contact her for something. I didn't mean it like that" She says blushing. I tell the girls my number and to my surprise I saw Jennie putting my number into her phone as well. She's probably going to text me at 2 in the morning or something and ask me to get her a coffee.

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