Friends to Enemies to Lovers - Luke Hughes

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He looked over at Luke and saw he wouldn't acknowledge me. So instead, he walked up to me with an apologetic look. I was sad at the thought of being replaced. But it was bound to happen, right? 

"Can I walk with you?" Jack asked when he reached me. I could only nod as we started walking.

Jack threw an arm around my shoulder as I held back all my emotions from pooling over the edge. I couldn't let Luke do this to me. Maybe it's just a coincidence and he's playing with his friends? I couldn't think anymore because Jack pulled me and Ashton to an open park.

He grabbed the dog toy outta my hand and threw it for Ashton to run after. He then turned his head over to look at me and snapped his fingers in my face. I looked up at him alarmed and he sent me a confused look.

"You okay?" He asked me. 

"Does Luke hate me?" I wondered out loud and Jack went silent. I grabbed the toy from Ashton's mouth and threw it once more while Jack processed the question.

"Honestly?" He questioned. I nodded. "He doesn't really talk to me or Quinn anymore. Only talks to mom when he needs to and he obviously talks to dad all the time because, you know, hockey." He replied.

My face dropped at the fact at hand. Why won't he talk to anyone? He's only 8 but his friends are all 13 and over. Their attitude has rubbed off on him. Me and Jack walked back when Ashton got back to us. I let him into the house and hugged Jack goodbye.

I walked into my home and Jordan ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. I was confused but hugged him back. When I pulled away I asked him what that was all about.

"You looked sad. I also saw Luke with his 'friends' playing hockey in the garage." He answered. I nodded sadly. "You wanna go to free skate?" He asked me, hoping I'd say yes and go with him.

It's a tradition with us. At the beginning of both our hockey seasons, we'd go to free skate and skate around for a few hours. But today I really wasn't feeling it.

"Not today. Maybe another day though?" I sent him a sad smile and he understood. He put his skates in the trunk as Jack and Quinn ran across and asked if they could come, evidently trying to get away from Luke and his friends.

Jordan nodded and they ran across to get their skates and toques. Is it bad I'm Canadian and still ask Siri how to spell toque? They hopped into my dad's black F-150 and drove to the rink. My mom went with them so she could be dropped off at her office to pick up some paperwork.

I ran up to my room and saw an envelope on my desk. I was confused but opened the letter, not checking who it was from. I took a deep breath before bringing my eyes down to the paper in my hands and started reading the slightly messy handwriting. 


I'm sorry to say this, oh who am I kidding? I'm not sorry to say this at all. We can't be friends anymore. Honestly I've been wanting to do this for a while now. But my friends helped me realize that you really aren't a good friend for me.

I've found better people to be friends with. They aren't bad at hockey like you are. They aren't fat like you are. They aren't stupid like you are. They aren't loners either. They have more friends then just me.

So goodbye now. I'm going to hang out with my real friends. 


I had tears streaming down my face by the end. Was I really all just a game? Am I fat? Am I bad at hockey?

As I was crying, I remembered that Taylor Swift released her album Red today. I walk over to my stereo and pulled out the CD that I had bought this morning at 7 am. I put it in and clicked play.

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