Cinderella (31)

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One week later- April 27th, Monday

I wanted to try another POV... lemme know what u think

Ash sits leaned back in her chair, head lulling to the side while a fresh book lay half open in front of her. Hayami has seen the poor girl sitting in her library completely exhausted every morning, yet she still yearns for more books.

The librarian has also taken close notice of the new bruises staining her milky skin each morning. Multiple times she went to question the girl only to be shot down saying her and her brother rough house a lot. Behind her desk lays a hairbrush, dental hygienics, and deodorant but she hasn't given it to Ash out of worry that she will no longer come around.

Ash groaned in her sleep when her head drifted further off the back of the chair causing Hayami to freeze her movement. She waited until her peaceful state returned before letting go of the breath she held.

Bakugo stormed into the library with a loud slam of the door opening "Oi! Where is your books on entrepreneurship?!"

Ash jumped nearly out of her skin and Bakugo watched her quickly wipe a glob of drool from the corner of her mouth.

"You better lower your voice before I throw you out myself-" Hayami said through clenched teeth.

He choked a laugh at seeing Ash so disheveled, not a mean laugh, but because she looked adorable.

Not in a weird way obviously. He quickly took back his thoughts and replaced them with admiring how dumb she looks.

"What the hell?" She groggily rolled out her neck.

Bakugos eyes glanced behind him as the librarian guided him to the correct section while Ash shoved her book in her bag and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

Ash heard his heavy footsteps approaching her and turned around, "how you feeling? Besides tired I mean," he gulped as a smile tugged his lips upward.

Osami rolled her eyes and his name off her tongue "Ha. Ha. very funny Bakugo."

Her irritation started to subside when Bakugo makes fun of her, now she gets excited for the banter. She loves the look he gets when she fires back making him mad, brows furrowed and a half pout half scowl.

"Why are you reading up on entrepreneurship?" the back of her hand flicked the hard cover in his arms.

"It's nothing dumbass" he turned to leave but paused at the door, "you coming of what?!" he yelled back to her and picked up his pace.

Ash quickly said a sheepish goodbye to Hayami and rushed after the arrogant blonde. The librarian sighed while pushing back her dark silky hair, she'd have to give her the products later.

Two periods left of the school day and Ash can't focus for shit. The entire day her and Bakugo partnered up for training and schoolwork projects. When she asked why he grumbled and said she was the only one able to keep up.

It was hard for her to believe that he is being true in his words. Only a few weeks ago he sat in that very seat calling her worthless and throwing pity money at her, but ever since his birthday party at the Yaorozu's their whole dynamic changed.

Last week Ash had gone back to the league and made a production of the fact she has mandatory training. Ranting and raving to Dabi while standing in front of the rest of the crew in the bar.

"Slow down bird what's wrong?" he pressed his hands into her shoulders.

"Aizawa. He gave the whole class mandatory training and now I have a stupid group to meet with after school hours. It's so fucking stupid!" her hands made their way to her knotted hair.

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