Adrenaline (9)

82 2 0

I can be a hero

"I thought you got 56 points?" Dabi questioned from behind me.

"Unless I'm that bad at math, they gave me bonus points. I did rescue some kid at the end so maybe that's why," I nonchalantly stated.

"You're just bad at math," Dabi snickered and I playfully slapped his shoulder.

"Good job Ash. Now we can follow through with our plan. Go to your cell," Shigaraki commanded.

"What why? I did what you asked, why do I have to go to my cell?"

"Because I said so. Now go."

I swiped my acceptance letter off the counter before following Dabi back to my cell.

"What's up his ass?" I asked once I was locked in my cell.

"I'm not sure. Just hang tight okay?" Dabi told me before he left.

I plopped in the corner of my cell and looked around. A lot has changed since I found out I was going to take the entrance exam. I had a pile of folded clothes in the corner furthest away from the crack in the ceiling incase it rains. The pile includes a black sports bra, black leggings, a black zip up hoodie, the brown shirt and grey sweats from Dabi, and lastly the only three pair of underwear I own. I have one pair of socks which are on my feet, along with my white tennis shoes that are stained from dirt. My mat has upgraded to a fluffier sleep bag and I now have a pillow thanks to Dabi. I have my mp3 hidden in my pillow case along with my earbuds. The last thing in my cell is a clear container. Inside the container are my books, and sitting on top my battery operated alarm clock.

They've been nicer to me now that I can be useful. It's a nice change of pace. No more tests, beatings, or days without food. I even have full access to the restroom, just not the showers.

"The doc has some tests to run, follow me." Twice said while unlocking my cell. "No don't!" He yelled.

I quickly jumped to my feet and yelled back "What no! I have the second quirk, it worked so why the hell do I have to go back?"

"He just has some tests-" Twice tried to reason.

I pointed angrily in the direction of the doctors lab, "No! I'm finished with their tests."

My hands are more unsteady then they have ever been, my out stretched finger weak and shaky.

"Ash you have to comply or Shigaraki will hear," Twice shushed me.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," I fell and started backing into the corner of my cell.

"I can't go back. I won't go back. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't," I kept repeating over and over in a mumble.

"Ash shut up Shigaraki will hear you and make Dabi take care of it. Dabi hates being aggressive with you so come on!" Twice pleaded.

I kept hyperventilating trying to make myself as small as I could in the corner. So much for no more tests.

"Ash. You know what happens when you don't listen," I heard Shigaraki's voice.


"Drag her."

Dabi walked into my cell with a sorrowful look. It feels as if my heart is in a compactor and all blood has rushed to my ears. Everything clouded and fuzzy.

"I'm sorry."

He whispered before picking me up and placing me over his shoulder.

I thrashed around, kicking my legs and clawing at his back, pleading him to put me down.

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