Toga (3)

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"What the hell was that?!" I asked out of breath.

"Ash, what the fuck?!" Dabi angrily yelled at me.

"I-I don't know what that was...I-I'm sorry." I stuttered out.

Dabi pinched the bridge of his nose and sat still for a couple of minutes. I knew I could recall my own memories, but now I can with others as well?

"What did you see?" Dabi asked me, seemingly over the situation.

"Well I saw some guy with red hai-" Then he cut me off.

"Okay just shut up. Not a word of this to anyone. Got it?" Dabi scowled at me.

"Yessir," I replied wary of the topic.

"Okay now tell me how you did it," he commanded of me.

"I made eye contact with you and that's when you froze. I assume that is when the memory came to your mind. Then when I got worried I could see it as well," I rubbed the back of my neck while I talked. He hummed in response and grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Where are we going and why are you holding me so tight?!" I asked.

He loosened his grip on my arm but kept walking without saying a word. I rolled my eyes and followed to where he brought me up to the bar and Shigaraki sat at the counter.

"Not only can she read minds, she can make people see their memories. I assume in time she will be able to control what memories," Dabi blandly spoke to him and the others.

"oh ho ho~ So our little bird is special huh?" I scoffed and jerked my head away from his eyes.

"So this will make our plan with her easier right?" Dabi questioned Shigaraki.

"What plan? Why was I not informed?" I said through my clenched teeth.

"You'll find out later tonight, I need to work out the details. Dabi, not another word to her about this." Shigaraki threatened.

"Ash go see Toga, I'm done with you," Dabi said and walked away. Probably to go smoke.

I grunted and started walking to Toga's room. Before I had no orders to follow, but as the years pass the leash around my neck holds tighter. When I got there I questioned if I should knock or just wait for her to come out. I paced back and forth for a moment before deciding to knock,

"You wanted to see me?" I innocently asked.

"Awe you are so cute Ash!" Toga gushed.

I gave an awkward smile to satisfy her and followed her out of her room. She started walking to the training mats where Dabi and I previously were.

The thing with Toga is that she always gets what she wants. If you are obedient and do what she says then eventually she will get bored. That's why I act so innocent around her. So the pain stops sooner.

"Alright! You ready to work on your knife skills?"Toga urged while she threw a knife on the ground in front of me.

Before I even knew it she whipped a knife out of her boot and charged at me. I ducked bakwards under her arm and spun behind her while swiping my own dagger off the floor. She giggled and went to cut me again by swinging at my leg. I jumped over her and out of the way. I just need an opening...

"Perfect," I whispered under my breath and smirked at her.

She swung her arm from the other direction. She has good form in her upper body, but her legs need work.

I ducked under her arm once again, grabbing it in the process. I twisted it as I stood back up and swept my leg into her misplaced one causing her to slip and tumble down.

I kept hold of her arm while she was on the ground.

"Awe you won again," Toga poutted.

"Watch your footwork, then you would've got me," I told her while letting go of her arm and lending a hand to help her up.

"Huh-" Toga grabbed my wrist and... BIT ME?!

"Toga what the hell?!" I exclaimed.

I pulled my arm away pretty aggressively and she once again giggled at me. Then I saw her change to my appearance.

I rolled my eyes and we continued to spar. I let her win a couple times... but she kept taunting me.

I couldn't take it anymore... I swung a bit too hard for sparing and her nose started to gush with blood following the crunching noise.

"Shit," I tried apologizing as quickly as I could but it was too late. The damage has been done.

"Shigaraki won't be to happy about this, now will he?" Toga taunted again while wiping her nose with her sleeve.

"Please, Toga... Don't do this. It was an accident," I pleaded for her not to turn me in to him. He's going to make Dabi deal my punishment and he's already stressed enough that he's smoking.

She started laughing hysterically and I stared at her wide eyes til she grabbed my wrist and started taking me back to the bar.

Oh god not again...

"Where's Dabi?" Toga cheerfully laughed while wiping her nose again with her free hand.

What happened to your nose?!" Twice asked Toga.

I looked away ashamed, "Well Ash was training a little too hard, weren't you?" Toga smiled giddily.

"It was an accident," I grit through my teeth. God she can be so annoying. It's like when a child tells on their sibling because they hit them.

"Well looks like Dabi will have to take care of it because I don't feel like it. Unless you beg me to Ash," Shigaraki smirked.

Do I want to deal with drunk Shigaraki or high Dabi right now is the question. Dabi can either be extremely aggressive, or friendly when he smokes. It all depends.

I'd rather not be dealt by Shigaraki right now.

He has threatened multiple times but not once has Dabi let him touch me like that. Today isn't that day either.

"Just get Dabi already," I groaned.

"Whatever. Maybe next time," Shigarki offered.

I scoffed and waited for Toga to come back with Dabi. While waiting I looked around the bar. I'm never allowed in here for this long. It's disgusting.

There's empty beer bottles and cigarette buds littered everywhere. The wallpaper is half torn off the walls, and in the places it's still there it is stained with grime. It is an absolute pig sty in here with the chairs thrown over, dust and cobwebs in every corner, beer and blood stains, plus papers askew.

Who knew how much you can notice when you're not being dragged through it.

"What the hell are you staring at? Want a drink or something?" Shigaraki teased.

"No." I bluntly replied.

"Just take one," Shigaraki held a beer out to me.

I slowly grabbed the bottle, only to throw it at the wall causing it to shatter leaving another beer stain added to the ugly wallpaper.

"I said no,"  I spat.

He looked at where the bottle hit the wall and smirked, "Yeah we will put you to good use."
He started scratching his neck mumbling and laughing from his core.

Upon hearing a creak I turned my gaze to the beaten door that lead outside. A few seconds later Dabi walked in hunched over with Toga skipping behind him.

"Ash..." He paused, "Outside."

Once we made it out the door my eyes were immediately met with the soft lighting from the moon. I looked up to see a beautiful sheet of stars in the sky. This is the first time I have been outside in, what, three months? I almost forgot how pretty the stars were.

My thoughts were interrupted by Dabi's hoarse voice, "Wanna smoke?"

I deadpanned stared at him.

"Uh- sure?"

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