Training (5)

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Can I finally be a hero?

The thought seemed surreal. There's no chance I could become a hero. My hands are stained from the league. No one can be a hero after that, right? Ten years in this underground bar. Ten years of misery, and just like that they're going to let me out.

What's school even like?


How do I act like a student?


I'm not prepared for this.


I snapped out of my thoughts from Dabi calling my name. "Huh?"

"Go back to your cell. Training tomorrow."

No words left my mouth. I simply started trudging through the hall, Dabi following closely behind. Once we made it back to the 10x10 ft box Dabi locked me in.

"Don't want you running off now do we?" Dabi smirked turning to leave.

"Wait." I called out.

Dabi turned back around and stared at me with a slight head tilt.

"Never mind." I shook my head. Better to not ask.

With a shrug Dabi spun on his heel to go back to his room. Then I was left in silence with my thoughts. After all these years I can leave. Sure they still have a tight leash on me, but I can see the stars every night. I can breathe fresh air.

Last time I remember seeing the stars other than last night was when compress was teaching me how to gracefully hop buildings. That was 6 years ago.

I wonder what school will be like. Compress taught me when I was young how to read and write along with basic math etc. He said if he wasn't a villain he would be a teacher, he is smart after all, so it makes sense.

Twice on the other hand... He was my "babysitter." We would play hide n seek in the rooms I was aloud to go in. We would also play games like tag and patty cake. I never had toys, but I did have Twice. Although he would switch up and yell at me often it was nice.

Until I was old enough and had enough knowledge... That's when the cell became my new normal. The one good thing from my cell is that I can hear the TV that is always on in the bar. I can keep myself connected to the outside world via the news channel that is always on at night.

Everything is silent, no foot steps, no buzzing from the lights, no voices, just the TV down the hall. The only source of light coming from the moon shining through a tiny window too high up on the wall for me to see out of.

Everything is so peaceful. I laid still and listened to the soft wisps of wind coming through the window as my mind drifted into a restless slumber.






I woke up to the sound of water dripping. I groggily sat up and felt wetness soaked into my clothes and mat. My ceiling was leaking.


I stretched a bit before standing up to inspect the damage. A crack formed above the window, traveling to the corner of the room. Rain water was running along the crack starting at the window and ending in the corner where it was dripping over and over to the ground. Once a drop hit the ground there was a slight splash and then a small stream rolled to the center of the room where there is a drain on the floor. It must've rained last night.

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