First Day (11)

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April 10th -One Week Later-




"Ughhhhhhhh," I complained while rolling over to shut the alarm up.

"Why is everything so loud in the morning?"

My voice was raspy from a dry throat of sleeping all night long. Honestly that was the most relaxed and peaceful sleep I've had in two weeks. It was comforting.

After a long stretch I got up and saw my uniform hanging on the hangers I put up. Grabbing the articles of clothing, I stumbled to the showers in order to freshen up and I noticed how quiet it is at this time.

I can hear birds chirping but no car traffic or people talking. Just the birds and myself. After a short steamy shower I got dressed in my uniform and looked in the mirror. A white button down, grey blazer, green skirt, black tights, and a red tie.

I look snazzy. Especially with my shiny black watch.

I smiled at myself before jogging back to my cell to grab my backpack and shoes.

Oh I have shoes for my uniform as well.

I threw them on, snatched my backpack, and ran to the bar so I could start my walk.

"You excited?" A voice made me jump and let out a gasp.

"Compress what are you doing up so early?" I asked.

"I always wake up early. I find the morning enjoyable for some me time."

He put down the book he was reading, uncrossed his legs, and walked up to me.

"Don't be nervous. You're going to be fine as long as you have something to tell Shigaraki. Plus don't worry you'll be out of the hell bound school as soon as we get the information we need."

I nod my head and gave him an airy smile.

"Right," I replied.

"Go get 'em tiger," I heard Dabi's raspy voice behind me.

"Why are you always behind me-" I asked while turning around.

"I don't know," he answered through a yawn.

"What are you doing up this early? You hate mornings."

"Yeah well so do you."

I raised my eyebrow at him because that didn't answer my question. Maybe he has a mission? Or maybe he just had to take a piss.

"I came to see you off," he admitted.


Well that's nice.

"Thank you, I better get going now so I'm not late," I said wearily looming down at my watch.

Dabi held his hand out for a fist bump and I returned the gesture with confidence.

"See ya later!" I ran out the door.

Once I was outside I took a fresh breath of air.

Today is a new day. A day further to changing my life for the better. The walk to UA is short. About ten minutes or so.

I saw the front gates and smiled, showing every tooth. Today is going to be amazing.


"You!" I whipped my head to the left to see the commotion.


"You're the bitch who stole my robots!" He pointed a finger at me.

"Looks like I got the points though doesn't it?" I smirked, shoving his own words down his throat.

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